Alaska is full beautiful and plentiful>chix and ducks. Morning, turn on hose and open coop doors. Out come 5 chickens and one rooster! Wash out fresh water bowls and fill, , even if it rains. because 6 ducks like me fussing, open feed locker and start throwing! Catfood for ducks, corn/grain scratch and egg crumbles for chix and dried Mealy Worms for all. Finish my newspaper and coffee. They all free-range throughout the day, which is 22 hours right now! However, chix go to roost at around 7:30P and I put them to bed. Yes, I sing to them and they coo and whisper. Then feed Ducks just like morning and then crack a beer and hang out in the Midnight Sun!
Too much, no good.
Too little, no good.
Plenty, just right.
Alaska is full beautiful and plentiful>chix and ducks. Morning, turn on hose and open coop doors. Out come 5 chickens and one rooster! Wash out fresh water bowls and fill, , even if it rains. because 6 ducks like me fussing, open feed locker and start throwing! Catfood for ducks, corn/grain scratch and egg crumbles for chix and dried Mealy Worms for all. Finish my newspaper and coffee. They all free-range throughout the day, which is 22 hours right now! However, chix go to roost at around 7:30P and I put them to bed. Yes, I sing to them and they coo and whisper. Then feed Ducks just like morning and then crack a beer and hang out in the Midnight Sun!
Wow! And I thought my day was long because the sun doesn't set until 8:30 here in Texas. What do you do the other half of the year? Do you give them extra light?
Wow! And I thought my day was long because the sun doesn't set until 8:30 here in Texas. What do you do the other half of the year? Do you give them extra light?
Yes. Their coop is quite large and I keep regular bulbs in metal fixtures. Some natural light. But the most important thing I do in the winter is awaken them with a hearty and warm-to-them-at-below zero breakfast (at around 11:A)...I ferment their feed! I give them 1/4 cup each in the morning/throughout their day. Even in cold temps they go free ranging, or just visiting with us all. If they are cooped up, they get bored and cross. I give them a toy like an orange to bat around and eat. I maintain the same routine I described, but in winter it's warm-fermented chow and then the stuff I throw for them to peck out of the feed locker. I feed them another bowl of ferment when I put them to bed. Usually gone by morning...They come outta the coop as the ducks are coming for the morning lukewarm watering, so they make their own trails in the snow! I make trails, too, so we can have a dance floor anyway...
Typically in the mornings I'll put more feed in the feeder if needed, I'll do their water every day or two, usually later in the day I'll collect eggs when everyone has laid...I train my chicken so usually we'll train first thing in the morning and usually I'm in the coop in the afternoon hanging out with them, often times training...besides the morning visit I'll visit loosely other times throughout the day.
I've only had my flock of six for a week and I'm curious as to how everyone takes care of their birds. I change out their water and make sure they have food. I do a head count and make sure the coop is still okay. Am I supposed to look for mites everyday? Check their crops everyday? Etc.
IMHO, no need to check for that "everyday", enjoy looking at them some; if something comes up in between check ups, you'll probably notice.. Do check periodically.. Keep up the good work, the best with your babies..
Main flock:
I wake up around 7, go feed and water the birds, let them out of the run for the day, fill up the duck pools, and check up on everyone. I leave to work at 9, come back at 11 or 12, check up on everyone then go take care of other stuff for a few hours, then come back out at 4 to feed and water and check up on everyone, then come out at 9 to shut everyone in and empty the duck pools.
Meat birds:
I wake up around 7, go feed and water the birds, move the chicken tractors to fresh grass, and check up on everyone. leave for work at 9, come back at 11 or 12, check up on everyone, refill water, move chicken tractor to fresh grass, and then go take care of other stuff for a few hours. I come back out at 4 to refill food and then come back out at 9 to check up on everyone, and refill the water.

A lot of cleaning stuff is thrown in throughout the week.
I get my feed ready the night before put it in a big coffee can and set it on the counter. 6:30 Grab the can go outside to fill the bowls left on porch.I top off the water. Go open the run and the right side of the coop where the rooster and old biddies sleep. Go open the left side where this years babies, the low hen and my Diva hen sleep. Say mornin chickens! Its a new chicken day! Visually check everybody at the breakfast bowls. Lunch, top off food and water do a head count and gather eggs. Top off again around 6ish. 8:25 Wait for chickens to roost, do head count, make sure my Diva has her own roost. Check coop for anything that dosen't belong critters,eggs etc. Lock up right side, lock up run, lock up left side. Say goodnight chickens, see ya in the mornin. Put bowls on porch. Rain,snow or shine all this must happen....they've turned me into a robot.:barnie
Open the coop in the AM, fresh food and water, grab eggs. Later in the afternoon, when they are more settled, careful observation for several minutes and snacks after. If there are problems (fencing gaps, need a water re-fill, heat or cold management, etc.) spend some time fixing them, then grab eggs again. Close the coop and/or treat any problems after dark, do one final egg check.

Chickens are pretty low-maintenance for the most part. Daily routines tend to be mostly basic needs and observation here.

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