What is your favorite breed (s) and why?


10 Years
11 Years
Jan 24, 2009
I'm new to chickens and am hungry for knowledge. Instead of going "by the book", I'd rather hear what people have to say that have some experience under their belts!
I love my OEGB...lots of colors...I also like the bantam game birds...colors and carriage is just cool. I just like bantams in general...the japanese are cool cuz they run around and it doesn't look like they have feet...
Standards: Definitely Easter Eggers...love their green/blue eggs and color patterns and Cochins for their fluffiness and friendliness.

Bantams: d'Uccles...they are sweet, chatty and not flighty.

Egg laying: Red Sex Links....they are both nice and lay consistently.
I love my buff orps, they are very friendly and great moms, my turken while funny lookin is very sweet, my Rhode Island Reds are very curious and follow me around, if I had to choose for best brown egg layer and temperment I would pick the buff orp...

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