What is Your Favorite Word to Describe Your Flock?

Don-kay", in my best bad Shrek impression.
I LOVE it. But of course I love anything Eddie Murphy.

I do have a few that I have a hard time telling apart... their names are interchangeable depending on which one pops into my head first
Here too! Two of my mixed girls (Welsummer x White Rock) look identical and sport the name Peaches and Cream because of their appearance. Who knows which is which. I certainly do not.
I guess I should add the rabbits are Fluffy farts, and the Turkeys are all named Darwin, as they like to do things such as eat the grass as the weedeater slings it. The neighbor calls all the chickens Henrietta, why I don't know exactly, but they are all name Henrietta. Ofcourse I call all their donkeys, "Don-kay", in my best bad Shrek impression.
Sooooo awesome!!!
Mine are still young....four weeks! To their face, I call them "chickeedoodles" or "babees "in sing-songy baby talk. (I have four chicks....an australorp, a silver-laced wyandotte, a gold-laced wyandotte, and an easter egger)

Behind their backs, they're officially known as the "Poop Troop", because I've never in my life had pets that POOPED THIS MUCH. :eek: Seriously, they're never-ending turd machines. But I love them so much, despite all their crap. ;)
I have just the two roos at the moment. They're indoor chickens because we're not allowed to have them outdoors, and my son & I joked that if anyone hears them & asks about it, we could say they're "Sumatran Pheasants." ;) We also joke by referring to them as the "unspeakables." I sometimes call them the "boys," or because the head rooster is named Bucky, the "bucky boys" or "buckaroos." For some unknown reason my son has always called them the "Chick-a-lees." :idunno
Mine are still young....four weeks! To their face, I call them "chickeedoodles" or "babees "in sing-songy baby talk. (I have four chicks....an australorp, a silver-laced wyandotte, a gold-laced wyandotte, and an easter egger)

Behind their backs, they're officially known as the "Poop Troop", because I've never in my life had pets that POOPED THIS MUCH. :eek: Seriously, they're never-ending turd machines. But I love them so much, despite all their crap. ;)

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