What kind of dog do you have?


I have a mutt, possibly a chow/australian sheppard mix. I don't really know because I inherited her with the property I bought. She's very good about the chickens (basically ignores them, turkey's too when we had them) and even chases hawks (and buzzards, she thinks they are very big hawks). We also have a golden retriever mix, and she doesn't bother them either. Then there's the little pug mix, who is too old to bother with them if she wanted to.

Neither of the dogs were raised around chickens. And all are mutts!
Two Irish Setter's, both male and so full of personality they make me laugh all the time. The breed standard calls for a "rollicking" personality and they live up to that. They live life to the fullest and everything is a new adventure to them.
Some one duggested bassets hounds they are the best I love my 2 girls will post pictures later. they do like to chase chickens you should get one that is used to other animals.

I have always had indoor dogs until last year when my uncle gave me one of his old herding dogs. Ty, my new border collie, is THE BEST DOG EVER!!!!!!! He is so sweet and smart, he would do anything for his family and flock!
I have a Havanese, "Kiawah" that will be 12 next month. He is absolutely trustworthy around animals. Last year when DH & I went on vacation, Kiawah refused to sleep over with my neighbor because he insisted on staying home with our house chicken, Priscilla.

Because of his age, we decided that we needed to get a puppy while Kiawah still had time to demonstrate how to behave around chickens. Now, we have a Coton de Tulear named "Gilligan"--he's 6 months and he's just now learning to behave. Before he learned some chicken manners, Priscilla decided to move back to the coop! Packed her bags and left in a huff! Gilligan's still full of energy but at least he's stopped chasing the chickens.

I'm sorry about your loss, Balto sure was a handsome dog.
I say get a nice young dog from a animal shelter, or maybe a older dog. Because young, or older dogs have a lower chance of getting a adopted and having a forever home then cute adorable puppy.

That is what we did with our dog Alvin he is a quiet gentle dog and is great with the chickens. He is German Sheperd, Husky, Chow and Akita all mixed into one beautiful dog it isn't shown in the picture but he has the curled tail and its so adorable.


Here he is with Pumpkin my Buff Orp at 3-4 days old. Alvin is only 4 years old and could probaly live until he is 12-15 years old!.

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