What kind of rooster?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 18, 2013
Lugoff, South Carolina
16 weeks old, mostly red with a white tail growing, large single comb.
Second or even third generation red sexlink, so basically just a mutt, since the sexlinking only works for the first generation cross. These guys have been popping up all over this year.
Yep, someone got hatchery sex links and bred them together. That yields red and white birds with no regards to gender. Pretty birds, and should be great layers still
. You just lose the ability to sex them by color at hatch.
Cool, they came from TSC and nobody had any clue what they were up there. 16 weeks old and I'm already getting one or two eggs every few days. The white ones are 14 weeks. I think are white rocks or white mutts, they have red ears. Thanks for the help guys.
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