What sex and what mix? New pictures starting post #27

Cats Critters

Completely Indecisive
13 Years
Oct 15, 2007
Clarion County, PA
My Coop
My Coop
I hatched this guys 5/4, so their almost 6 weeks. I'm trying to figure out what sex they are and who their parents are. I have a EE roo, a BR roo and in hens I have 2BR, 2 BA, 3 EE, 5 CM, 2 RIR, and 2 WL.

I'm 99% sure she/he has a White-Leghorn mother

Another with a WL mother:(sorry it's a bad shot)

Here is another one WL mom:

BR dad or he is a he and mom gave him a barring gene

Still uploading pictures...
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All I can help you with is that the first pic is a roo and the third pic has an EE for a Daddy or a mama.


Here is another pic (I'm still uploading pictures)

I'm thinking BA mom

Also is this info right: all of the BR roos chicks should be barred and the BR hens chicks only if their male or pure BR, Right?​
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