What the government didn't tell you about your stimulus payment...

See, I get that it's a "refund of taxes". The problem is calling it a "stimulus" check. That is a complete misnomer. It will do nothing to stimulate anything. Just call it an extra refund, for cripes sake! And compared to what we make in retirement, we DO pay a massive amount of taxes, relative to what we make. I always have to pay extra taxes if the DH makes a dime over his retirement pay. That is just not right. In fact, I think they owe me a few more extra refunds.
I just checked with the irs.gov site and printed out the page that says what we are to be getting. It is less than what we expected but, as with every one else we thought married couples would recieve the full amount of 1200 w/ 300 per child. Oh well, I, along with alot of others, was wrong.
But if we recieve the amount they say we will get, I will be happy with that. But ours is going to bills and the kids are redoing their rooms, themselves.

**edited to remove inflamatory remarks**

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As for these 'rebates' stimulating anything, no way. I know too many who are going to spend it on past bills, including myself. I can't spend it on anything new until I've paid for what I've already got! Howver, in my case, I'm spending it on real estate taxes. Oh well.
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A heartfelt THANK YOU to you. Without Americans like you the rest of us would have
nothing. Same goes to the other veterans here. You folks gave us everything.
The sad thing about the stimulus check is mine will be going to pay my spring/summer property taxes:(. It would be nice if I could use that money to treat myself like go to a movie and etc. I pay alot in taxes every year and get back a fraction what I pay out! I am tied of hearing people brag how much they get back because they have scores of illigetament kids and plan to have more to get more income taxes! Where is this money coming from? Won't we be paying it in higher taxes down the road?
carugoman, thank you for your sacrifice for our freedom. My dad was a DI at Fort Jackson SC for 36 yrs. During his stint he did 2 tours in Nam. After the 2nd the Army decided he was no longer fit to train our soldiers on how to save their lives and properly made him take an early retirement. My dad never got over the millilitres abandonment of him. It just goes to show you how expendable people are when our govement is through with them.
We aren't filing our taxes until October. Since hubby is a CPA and did a zillion other people's taxes, we are never ready to do our own til then. We always pay anyway. I got a feeling we won't see any of it by then. It will probably get absorbed somehow by the Gov, but if it (refund) gets used elsewhere, say, for the benefit of those who earn less, so be it. I won't complain.
I didn't file for the 'stimulus' payment...I gave 24+ years,my left leg,my blood and my health to the US military for payment due for the price of freedom. All I ask is that the US federal government and the American People honor the agreement that we made when I swore to the oath, nearly forty years ago, to honor and defend the US constitution. So far, all y'all have been somewhat slovenly in honoring your side of the contract, although I've paid the price,in full,with pride and distinction, as per the terms of that contract.
Off the soap crate... BYC is a fine place to rant but is even better place to share positive thoughts, ideas and concepts. I consider myself daym lucky to be able to commiserate here!
All y'all take care!

My DH gave 24+ years to the military and sacrificed his back to this country as well. I served with him that entire time as his wife and the mother of his two sons. We didn't file for any stimulus pymt, just filed because it's the law to file taxes. I am in agreement that we must uphold and defend our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The problem is that the domestic ones are increasing daily. And we are fortunate to still have the freedom to discuss our govt in the presence of our govt. Hope we can keep that freedom.​
As times get worse there may come a time when your eggs may be your saving grace. It may come down to trading something you need for something they need.The eggs are a good Investment. The only thing I can say about this country is "we are not in kansas anymore" so grab toto and get ready for the storm.

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