What the heck have I brought home? ***picture heavy***

Thanks again for the continued interest in my girls. It's nice knowing other folks think they are as pretty as we do. I wish I could get my hands on another couple of birds like them. They are great foragers, and Molly is my hero because she is a spider slayer! She has a sixth sence for the little &@#$@s! Oh well, here's to the dream of having a few Mollys and Arriannes hatched off this spring/summer!
Pea combs and wattles..... Suppose I could get something like that from barred rocks and buff orpington crosses? They are my prettiest girls and I would love to make more! lol, too bad they don't do that genetic link thing for chickens like they do for dogs!!!
Update on Molly and Arrianne....

Well we THOUGHT it was Molly laying since her comb and wattles are much more red, but I caught Arrianne laying yesterday and realized it was her all along. Her eggs have gotten a bit bigger, but they are still just on the edge between a medium and large egg. They are a lovely pink color and my nieces think they are fabulous. They look so different in the face since their combs and wattles have reddened up. I'll have to post more pics soon. If the weather ever lets up around here---it's been nasty for a week now!
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Personaly, they look like to me a bantam mix with a little golden sebright in them. Over all, you have some beautiful chickens. I wish you the best of luck!

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