What treat did your chickies get today?

Mine enjoyed popcorn, yogurt, cream of wheat, some pork fat, apples, peppers, banana, watermelon. Oh, and some winter squash seeds.
Old bread chunks and applesauce. Scrath this morning. DH took it out, and he received numerous stink eyes. They expected yogurt with the bread, and made of point of wiping their beaks in disgust. The bowl was empty when I put them to bed, the frauds.
My kids fed our chickens a mass of black beans because they wanted to see if chickens can fart
My chicks and ducks got outside leaves of a head of chinese cabbage from the garden. And the rooster found himself a treat: he found a poor frog that had been living under the duck pool. He usually offers tasty tidbits to his ladies first but he wanted this frog for himself and was leading the keepaway game last I saw.

Today my babies had boiled spaghetti noodles (boiled just for them, with no salt added to the water) and drizzled with a slight bit of honey and a red pepper flakes, some left over green beans, cherry tomatoes and cracked corn. They seem to really enjoy the warm noodles each morning... I discovered yesterday that they also devour fruit rollup snacks, hehe! I had some left over from my little nieces visit which had no added sugars, etc. So I'm assuming they are healthy enough for my birds. Hand feeding them those snacks was just as fun for me as it was for them, LOL!!! I adore watching them attack spaghetti noodles though, lol. They toss them around like they're worms!! I like to go out every morning with my huge mug of hot coffee and sit with my hens. It ALWAYS starts my day out with a load of laughs...


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