What treat did your chickies get today?

Miserable, wet Autumnal day here today so I just cooked my lot some spaghetti pasta, a can of tuna, some leftover olives, small bit of ciabatta and bacon bits from my bf's breakfast. What did I have?.....oh, a "cup a soup". Spoilt brats they are!
Miserable, wet Autumnal day here today so I just cooked my lot some spaghetti pasta, a can of tuna, some leftover olives, small bit of ciabatta and bacon bits from my bf's breakfast. What did I have?.....oh, a "cup a soup". Spoilt brats they are!
I'll say!

Mine got some well aged macaroni salad, some cold bacon grease, and the contents of the sink strainer (spaghetti and cooked ground beef) after dishes were done.....
Just wondering do chickens eat acorns? A friend of mine said that his birds eat acorns so I tossed all of the acorns around my yard into the chicken pen so they could eat them, but they just sat there and the chickens didn't eat them.
Hey BlueOrpingtons apologies that I do not know the answer to your question but I couldn’t help but reply that if I tossed acorns into my gals run they would have carried on like I had tossed in a grenade!

Around here corn on the cob is also a chicken trap apparently!

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