What treat did your chickies get today?

that sounds pretty good. I keep forgetting to add crushed red pepper to their food. I need to get the jar down so I can remember.

We had just refilled our jar of red peppers...I need to buy some just for the chickens. But whenever I got to the store I never have any left over spending money!

~ Aspen
I am thinking of going to a pet store if I have time tomorrow and getting some meal worms for a treat. I will just get a few to see if they will eat them before I start investing in them.
Do any of you give yours Meal Worms.

My kids helped me find some bugs in the garden. Earwigs, potato bugs, a few spiders, even a big grub. The chickies went wild!! This is the first year I'm HOPING for hornworms on my tomato plants so I can give those dang bugs a fitting death!
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