What treat did your chickies get today?

I grew these yard long cucumbers. Mostly as a novelty. I'm not crazy about the taste, kind of like a melon that didn't get sweet. The chickens love them. I'm this heat I freeze them then cut them into "boats". They eat it like candy.
That sounds like a good thing to try to grow. I might do that next year.

My chickens' "treat" today was our completing the roof on the run and installing the last of the wire, so they could move in! Oh, and they did get a few mealworms and tomatoes.
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my girls got some frozen strawberries.....darn fridge, was planning on those for MY breakfast....oh well, the chickens loved them. One strawberry went in the creek, they kept eating at it, one would pull it out and they would peck at it, then it would roll back in the creek, and it would start over until they had it eaten.

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