What treat did your chickies get today?


Yesterday I gave the girls a frozen banana. They didn't like that.
They didn't care for cat food, either.

Today they are devouring a bit of leftovers: whole wheat perogies, pork chops, apple sauce, mac and cheese.
Mine love cat food - ick
I found out that Indian Mealworms had gotten into my grains
so chickens got to eat a couple of pounds of boiled rice and chick peas and pinto beans! But--of course--I didn't add enough water when cooking my five gallons of rice and chickpeas, so they burnt on the bottom. Did that bother the girls? Heck no! My whole house smelled like a trash incinerator for days but my hens gobbled up every bit of sulphur-smelling rice and peas before the mass could hit the ground!
I cleaned out the freezer today, so my chickens got an unusual mix of pepperoni, venison, mozzarella cheese and egg rolls. I put it through the food processor to make smaller bites.
Let's see mid-day snack i fed them hard boiled egg with garlic and plain yogurt. Then a platter of grapes, romaine lettuce, blueberries, cucumber and watermelon. And at dinner time they had oatmeal mixed with cheese and garlic. They see a treat and act as if I never feed them.

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