What tricks have you trained your ducks to do?

If you make kissy noises and then feed your ducks tomatoes from your mouth your ducks will probably be trained to "kiss" you, too. But I warn you... It's a bit painful and you'll get dirt in your teeth. I might know from personal experience....

I found this video of Pigweed as a baby. 💖 She'll still make out with me even though she's an old lady now.
That is sweet, but looks painful 😖
Oh no! Those yellow cherry tomatoes are probably going to get expensive to buy when your garden runs out & the ducks glare & sulk at you until you give in & run to grocery store. lol

I'm always worried about feeding a snack that is too big. I know yellow cherry tomatoes approximate size, do they ever choke on them? I take one big grape, tear it into pieces & feed 6 ducks with it. lol Sounds like I could give them whole grape. The texture & size is similar to yellow grape tomatoes

Watermelon pieces I give are only about 1/2" in size but the rind I make small since it's harder. And green squash I cut into about 1/4" because they're so dang hard. Am I being a bit too paranoid? Maybe I don't need to make them so small?

At first that's what I thought they were but then when I looked again & they appeared to be almost the exact same shape on both ducks I thought it might be mark you applied.
So, it's weird, but sometimes they squish the tomatoes and sometimes they eat it whole. You can see the lump slide down their throat. 😬
I was a little concerned, but remembered that ducks can eat mice.
I chopped up fresh red tomatoes and they wouldn't go near them. 😆

I keep my ducks pretty natural those 2 are just weirdos. 😁 Except for me feeding them tomatoes, they won't even get close to me. When they hatched, I let them be in case they were drakes. My older drake is always harassing me and I didn't want to repeat that. Plus, I thought if I needed to find them homes, I could part with them easier. Well, that's not the case. Even though they are extra work, I hesitate when someone contacts me about them, but then find out they weren't really interested at all. I'm trying to figure out a permanent solution for them, but as of now all of the birds are on lock down due to a fox. When they all free ranged it was easier to manage.
I think I'd freak out if I saw a lump moving down their throat. lol

I didn't know ducks could eat mice. They're pretty big. That's helps me out a lot since it takes longer to cut watermelon & squash into small pieces.

I'm afraid I've spoiled my flock. When I cut myself piece of watermelon I leave bit more red on the rind than I would otherwise. I used to just throw it to them & let them eat it. It's kinda funny watching them try to tear piece off & flinging it couple feet away & then watching the flock race to get it first.

But I felt so bad that some didn't get much so I started holding the rind & giving each of them bites until it was all gone. Once it's too small to bite I tear the rind up for them. I do have to watch my fingers as them seem to want to bite where I hold it rather than the end they can easily bite piece off but they're learning. lol

Awww, poor drakes didn't get no lovin'. lol But I totally understand not wanting to get attached then having to get rid of them. I can't imagine which of my flock I'd get rid of if I had too.

The reason I have all male flock is my neighbor and I went in together to buy a bunch of Muscovy's. She already had some but was WAY lopsided on female to drake ratio. We was hoping a lot of them would be female, but nope, no such luck as it seemed most were male. So I said I take all males to help out & I really didn't want to deal with females anyway. I don't need eggs, I can get them from her.

Hoping it works out, if not my plan b is to rehome any that needs to go, to 1 or 2 different people looking for ducks or any kind of farm animal. One says he wants them as "pets" not to eat, not sure about other one. But I definitely don't want to rehome to someone that's going to eat one of my beloved pets.

Oh new trick, well not really a trick they're just smart. :D My flock rarely comes into my front yard on their own, neighbor across street has dogs outside in fenced area sometimes & they'll starting barking scaring the ducks. But they ventured up there on day so I went out to walk around with them. As I walked around I kept stirring up crickets & the ducks would grab them. They learned to follow behind me waiting for me to stir them up. Boy they had a cricket feast that day! Now when I say to duckies to follow me to front yard & head that way, they do.

Sorry I got kinda long winded there. Can you tell I'm a new duck parent. lol
Ha. I love it. Sorry that I didn't respond earlier. I was busy when I first read this. Muscovies are quick learners. Mine also like when I dig in the garden and overturn the soil. They go rooting through it for worms.
Oh no problem about response time. As you can see I'm sometimes slow also. Life gets in the way of talking about ducks. lol

I've had trouble finding worms this year. We had such a very dry spring and summer they either went very deep or elsewhere. We since gotten pretty good and I've been finding a few.

I have a vole or mole (??) that digs up the dirt for me. :D Yes I know they're kind of a pain in the rear but they aerate my lawn and hard clay soil plus leave those mounds of dirt the ducks like to root through.
You can put a piece of wood or a stone down and move it to dig under. Usually worms are found under rocks and wood. Especially if there has been any water. I just dug up the run as it has gotten pretty packed down. They loved finding worms, but they also just rooted in the dirt.
Yeah I've been lifting rocks and had some carpet down where I kept my Quick Set pool & was always able to find worms under it but no such luck this year. Until today. I found 2 worms. lol

At least the flock has been enjoying and pigging out on crickets. :D I probably shouldn't stir them up for the ducks so much so as not to decimate the population.

My bird feeders are located on 2nd story deck so the seeds & shells fall down below which is where a lot of worms can be found, usually. And it's easy to forage through. Plus it's somewhat safe from the hawk since it's under sunflowers & 4 O'clocks. Hard to see through them. I have trouble seeing them even when I know they're there. lol
Something I haven't seen many people mention is target training ducks. My ducks are target trained, come when called and return to the coop on command. However, I have 3 female pekins and they are neither athletic nor coordinated, so they can't jump or catch large treats on command😂
Also, if anyone is curious I used clicker training like you would for dogs.
Mine don't really know any tricks either. Just mealworms come out of an orange bucket. If you see the orange bucket, run towards it.

My newest ducklings learned a cute trick from my Muscovy. My 3 newest Saxony girls imitate my Muscovy's behavior. It is pretty funny watching them do a Muscovy head bob and tail wag.
That's pretty cool.
If you make kissy noises and then feed your ducks tomatoes from your mouth your ducks will probably be trained to "kiss" you, too. But I warn you... It's a bit painful and you'll get dirt in your teeth. I might know from personal experience....

I found this video of Pigweed as a baby. 💖 She'll still make out with me even though she's an old lady now.
😁 I might pass on that trick, but it's cute. I know which of my ducks would have their big butt first first and I probably wouldn't have lips left. 🤣

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