What type of Cochins do I have??


9 Years
May 13, 2012
Hi everyone! I am new here, and have a question for those who are more knowledgeable than me, and I also posted this in a couple of other threads on here last night. =) A week ago I purchased a trio of "cochins" from a mom and pop feed store here in town. I love them! However, after I got them home I did some research and found out that there are different types of Cochin (Bantam, Standard, and Large Fowl), yet the feed store simply labeled them as Cochins... can anyone help me determine (for curiosities sake, as I love them regardless of size, and have room in the coop for them to be any size) what type my three babies are? Also how old you think they may be if possible. =) Speckles and Pepper are about six inches tall if they are standing up tall, and Sugar is maybe four inches when standing tall, if that helps at all to give a size reference... Thanks! =)
This is Speckles

This is Pepper =)

And this is Sugar =)

Thanks again!!
I am going to play the devil's advocate here and say they look like standard cochins because they just seem so much bigger than my bantams at, possible few weeks old. :thumbsup

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