What words can your dogs "spell"?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
So far Jax and Kane can spell cookie, vet, out, bye-bye, Tyler (our GS), cow and go.

We've resorted to speaking pig latin.

What words can your dog(s) spell?
LOL, ours can spell t-r-e-a-t and o-u-t-s-i-d-e.
Spook could spell out, out in reversed spelling--tuo, we got her with uto but she would have gotten it eventually we tried "not in" but she figured that one too, lol, truck-also in reverse, eat, cat, cheese, and bed.
cookie, walk and klaw (walk backwards),leash, car seat, and if we spell a-b-b-y she will get all excited cause she knows we are talking about her
I don't have any dogs, but my best friend has a big, sweet, beautiful AST female who LOVES to ride in the car. Now Pat can no longer say any of the following words w/o Sugar's bolting for the door: go , car, van, ride, travel, out, outside, leave, and she can't even SPELL go, van, ride, or out. When I pick them up for and drop them off from church Sugar always has to come outside and greet / speak to me.
We've taken to referring to "exit" and "transportation", but I'm sure it won't be long until she's got those figured out, too.
my parents dogs are the same way. They also know what a "you know what" is. They tried to use that for treat. Also R-I-D-E
Out, cookie, cheese and go.

They can also tell what you are opening in the kitchen. For example...string cheese will get Allie up from a dead sleep and the sound of the lunch meat drawer opening can move Mitzy when not even a backhoe can.


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