I have a 1.5 year old silkie hen who will eat but will not touch water. She had been laying soft eggs for almost a month & then suddenly stopped laying a week ago. I thought these were due to molting stress, because she's been shedding feathers like crazy. I noticed her comb shrinking and paler a few days ago, then realized she was drinking less & less. She eats a lot and well, but now she will not touch water from any dish, even juice or milk. I've had to start forcing water down her and mixing it into food. She's lost a lot of weight. I have her on electrolyte vitamin solution and she still gets plenty of protein and calcium. Her poo is so varied during the course of the day - mucousy and undigested looking, then round and healthy for a few hours, then diarrhea again. I have found rubbery pale yellow lumps in two poos. I examined them and they weren't worms, but also didn't seem to be pus, so I'm worried she's internally laid & they are yolk. Though, no strange stance or straining, breathing is normal, no fluid in abdomen. She's not acted much different than I would expect during molt. She's fiesty and moving about for a while, takes 5-15 minute naps & gets up again.
Please help me if you have any idea what may be wrong or if you've ever had a chicken that would eat but not drink!
Please help me if you have any idea what may be wrong or if you've ever had a chicken that would eat but not drink!