What would you say are the BEST tempered, GOOD laying, NICE looking hens?

Which sorts of chicken would you say have a nice temperament, are good layers and look nice.
I saw that leghorns look nice and lay about 300 eggs per year, but can be unfriendly, what would you say? If they are raised from chicks, will they be friendly? :jumpy
I have many different types of chickens and my leghorns are very friendly and give the most and biggest eggs. If you often feed them treats (they love peas and scrambled eggs) they come running when they see me.
I'm raising about 80 chicks right now. I want to add 6 or so to my flock. I asked my Facebook group what they wanted, then ordered up. I discovered the sapphire gem. I hadn't previously heard of it. It's a beautiful bird, excellent temperament, superb layer, and seldom broody. I am going to add those to my flock. Please check them out.
Excellent discussion with an excellent question!

My friend has had many different hens, and the leghorns, while great layers, she says are absolute jerks.

I've got Black Australorps and Silkies. Australorps are fantastic for producing gorgeous, large brown eggs. They are generally friendly, but since I got mine as pullets rather than chicks, it took a while to build their trust. But I'd get more Australorps in a heartbeat. Silkies? Never again. They are cute, ditzy, charming birds, but holy moly, the broody issue is EPIC with them. If you want a hen that is great at laying on the eggs and raising chicks, they are great at that. If you want a good layer, nope.

This weekend I'll be picking up three new girls for the flock - Easter Eggers. They are sweet birds, lay well, and tend to be submissive. So getting along with your Quail? Maybe that would be a good option? Enjoy your journey! <3
They may not lay quite as much as Leghorns, but our Barred Plymouth Rocks lay quite well and are friendly in temperament. I believe Rhode Island Reds are similar in temperament but lay slightly more. (We're getting some in April, so this is off the catalog description rather than personal experience.) Both breeds are heat tolerant, too.
Our foster chick/ leghorn (foster that never left) is quite friendly and affectionate (in her own way). We had her as a chick and became used to being handled by people. As far as laying? She’s a beast!!!
Which sorts of chicken would you say have a nice temperament, are good layers and look nice.
I saw that leghorns look nice and lay about 300 eggs per year, but can be unfriendly, what would you say? If they are raised from chicks, will they be friendly? :jumpy
Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I don't like a "cookie cutter" flock, I'll skip that part of the question and focus on the temperament and egg laying ability. (Although I'll admit to not liking leghorns or white eggs in general, but that is another story) You certainly can't beat an ISA brown or the sex link for number and size of eggs. And they are friendly. We can't go outside without them following us or hopping into our laps if we sit down. Leave the garage door open and they will follow us into the house.
Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers (We have both) lay a good number of large, blue, green and olive eggs. We have some olive eggers who are fantastic, small chickens so great feed to egg ratio and rarely miss a day (Welsummer mother, Ameraucana father)
And did I mention the Orpingtons, more lap chickings or ....and the list goes on and on.
Which sorts of chicken would you say have a nice temperament, are good layers and look nice.
I saw that leghorns look nice and lay about 300 eggs per year, but can be unfriendly, what would you say? If they are raised from chicks, will they be friendly? :jumpy
I love Buff Orpingtons. Our last batch was the friendliest group of girls you could imagine. The B. O. ladies I have now are less tame but they also didn't have a lot of hands-on when they were tiny-except for Beakie-she's a dream. Because she's Special Needs, she is very friendly, comes running when I call her, cheerfully takes her showers 2xweek. I've had Wyandotts and RI Reds and the Orps win. PLENTY of eggs, too.

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