"What's on her head!?!?!?"

LOL - I wanna test that out... I'm gonna wrap a *red* bandana around my head and see what happens!
oh that just made my day. That is SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i can see it now - headlines in the Farm and Dairy paper " hundred of chickens run in flocks from their owners from hair changes! Make sure you find a chicken friendly stylist!"

you KNOW we are all going to go home today and try this. Someone make sure you video it.
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ok, so i went home and put my bright orange hunting stocking hat on and ran down to the girls and said 'HI GIRLS!!!!!!!!!"

they looked at me like i was retarded, looked at my hands for a snack and then promptly turned around stuck their fluffy butts up at me and strutted away. COuld have cared less.

Later i ran down to them in a black wig my neighbor had. said 'HI GIRLS!" and they just looked at me again but with a sideways head at least. No treats? left again.

k, go to lock them up and i have a cowboy hat on. 'Bird looked threatened, but just stared at me. girls could have cared less. I took off hat put on the floor so i could finally give them treats and 'Bird killed the hat. Just like the stuffed fish video.

so now we are at red hair and cowboy hats. Who else will actually admit they did it?????
ok, so i went home and put my bright orange hunting stocking hat on and ran down to the girls and said 'HI GIRLS!!!!!!!!!"

they looked at me like i was retarded, looked at my hands for a snack and then promptly turned around stuck their fluffy butts up at me and strutted away. COuld have cared less.

Later i ran down to them in a black wig my neighbor had. said 'HI GIRLS!" and they just looked at me again but with a sideways head at least. No treats? left again.

k, go to lock them up and i have a cowboy hat on. 'Bird looked threatened, but just stared at me. girls could have cared less. I took off hat put on the floor so i could finally give them treats and 'Bird killed the hat. Just like the stuffed fish video.

so now we are at red hair and cowboy hats. Who else will actually admit they did it?????
Oh no!
It made me laugh anyway!
Tried it with my girls - they didn't care, in fact - when I knelt down, they started to peck it and excitedly clucked, probably thinking, "Ooooh! FOOD!"

Guess that proves the theory.... all chickens have their own personality's.... and fears!
Tried it with my girls - they didn't care, in fact - when I knelt down, they started to peck it and excitedly clucked, probably thinking, "Ooooh! FOOD!"

Guess that proves the theory.... all chickens have their own personality's.... and fears!

Yep it's probably it...or mine are just phsyco...
Wow, chicken fashion critics!! That's priceless!!
My girls don't care what I'm wearing
as long as I have food with me it's all good in their world.

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