Whats the best chickens for eggs?

Good to know. My friend has one and it lays at least one egg per day. Maybe it's an over achiever.

As i said above, there can be variety in egg production within the breed. This is simply because breeders have different lines that have been isolated from each other. Although, I have never heard of an Ameraucana laying that much. Give her a treat, she's doing well!
I have 2 buffs and 1 Rhode island...... I get 3 eggs a day.....and they are quiet and docile...... Great layers
We are in the southwest and started with sex links which lay an egg EVERY day and have been straight since they started about 10 months ago. Our easter eggers just started laying and are at about 4-6 a week. All chickens have continued laying through 100 degrees and onto 115 degrees.... They're troopers!
Of all my different breeds, my Wyandottes have been the best layers. Heck, I have two Wyandotte hens, one SLW and one GLW, and they are seven years old and still laying on a regular basis. And they are gorgeous girls. Meet Lilith and Irene.
They are gorgeous. My two SLW also give me pretty much one egg a day. They are two years old.
My ISA's are laying machines. About 6 eggs a week on average and nice large eggs too. They are between 1-2 years old.
The white leghorn used to be the egg production breed of choice. They held the egg production record in the 70's.
These days RIR, astralorps , and production reds match or beat the 300 eggs a year.

The interesting thing I found is that all although the astralorps are an Australian breed the RIR and leghorn handle the Australian summers better

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