What's the difference?

Hi there.. :frow

Let me clear this up for you.. if you have to ask, then you are very likely rocking an Easter Egger.. aka AmerIcana.. which do not conform to a specific standard and are meant to "represent" the true breed.

Ameraucana which do have a standard of perfection will ALWAYS be sold under their variety... black, blue, silver, brown red, wheaten.. to name a few. And they will NOT be sold in the $4 price range. The hatcheries that do sell true Ameraucana.. often in blue or black do so for closer to $18-20. A breeder will NOT be able to sell you sexed chicks as "pullets" unless they have grown them out.

Many Easter Eggers (Americana) will be easily mistaken for the real deal by those with less experience. They will say the legs look slate and such but usually their plumage will NOT match or breed true regardless of how close they might be.. as it is often a cross of plumage varieties.

Araucana... in the US must be rumpless. In the UK they allow rumped birds. However Aracauna are also tufted not bearded.

Hope this does clear it up a bit! :fl

I breed Ameraucana.. but LOVE me an EE! They aren't less than birds... their just different... and that's what I think makes them unique! :love
Thank you! I love her anyway, I don't really care about specific breeds. I just like the cool eggs!
Thanks! I am mostly trying to figure out Americana vs. Ameracauna since I am completely confused about which I have.
Hi there.. :frow

Let me clear this up for you.. if you have to ask, then you are very likely rocking an Easter Egger.. aka AmerIcana.. which do not conform to a specific standard and are meant to "represent" the true breed.

Ameraucana which do have a standard of perfection will ALWAYS be sold under their variety... black, blue, silver, brown red, wheaten.. to name a few. And they will NOT be sold in the $4 price range. The hatcheries that do sell true Ameraucana.. often in blue or black do so for closer to $18-20. A breeder will NOT be able to sell you sexed chicks as "pullets" unless they have grown them out.

Many Easter Eggers (Americana) will be easily mistaken for the real deal by those with less experience. They will say the legs look slate and such but usually their plumage will NOT match or breed true regardless of how close they might be.. as it is often a cross of plumage varieties.

Araucana... in the US must be rumpless. In the UK they allow rumped birds. However Aracauna are also tufted not bearded.

Hope this does clear it up a bit! :fl

I breed Ameraucana.. but LOVE me an EE! They aren't less than birds... their just different... and that's what I think makes them unique! :love
Thanks! I am mostly trying to figure out Americana vs. Ameracauna since I am completely confused about which I have.
Araucana is a specific breed, that is generally rumpless (no coccyx, so no tail feathers!) and ideally has "ear tufts." It's also ex-TREME-ly hard to find true Araucana in most places - and can be quite expensive.
Americana/Ameraucana/Amauracana - lots of creative spellings. are mixes developed from very specific crosses. Lots of people - including hatchery staff - think that everything that lays a colored egg falls into that category ... but they don't! If the birds in question come/came from a commercial hatchery, it likely doesn't matter WHAT they're called ... they're Easter Eggers!
The long and short of it is that, if all you want is a personable bird that lays a colored egg, Easter Eggers are a great choice - they're easy to find and generally affordable. As a bonus, If you want some color in your flock, too - EEs come in every color of the plumage rainbow!
If you want to be doubly sure - post some pictures. We LOVE pictures! :D

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