What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

I can tell if one of mine are molting by the abundance of feathers on the ground. When I pick them up sometimes I feel little prickly things that are their feathers growing back in.
They are so pretty and such a beautiful place you have for them. I love the contentment of their noises while they forage. Mine do it too. so sweet.

I use heated buckets over winter and have to cover half to keep them from using them as private hot tub. lol
My wife is a scientific illustrator, and she's teaching classes on birds right now. She's been thrilled with all the really beautiful feathers she's been finding. So, yep, I guess they have been molting. Nobody else has looked like Martha though. Such a fun journey with these guys! Thanks again.
I bet she is loving the crossover of work and play! And I agree, it IS such a fun journey.

I think of it kinda like puberty, some go through it more gracefully than others. But the bummer for them is it’s a yearly thing. :lau
They will get use to it give them a few days. My large 5 gal heated bucket I have a thick piece of scrap 8X8 in front as a step up so they can dunk their heads but still not climb inside.
We thought about that. Our concerns were the stress of being removed from the flock if it's not a big deal. Have you done that?

I only have two ducks, so if they come in they both do. Perhaps you could bring a friend in with her to keep her company, I have heard of others doing that for sick ducks.

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