What's wrong with their feathers?

Congrats Julie and Kelly. Love the pictures! I took a few today. Here's a couple, outside on a windy day.



Well, bad news. The weak little chick that bled so much at hatching died last night.
What's even worse is the other one that seemed healthy at hatch time has slowly gone downhill and gotten weaker and weaker. I'm afriad he'll be gone when I get home tonight. I've done everything I can think of for him, but nothing seems to help. All the EE babies that hatched with them are doing just fine, so I know it wasn't his environment. I'm beyong upset....I wanted these SOOOOO badly...this was the only batch of chickens I planned to hatch this year. It's so heartbreaking.
KellyHM--So very, very, very sorry. I'm sure I can't begin to know how painfully hard things are right now for you.
I am glad you got to have the 2 little ones at least a little while--but maybe that's even harder. They looked like dear little chicks.
I am just so, so sorry. I hope by a miracle maybe the one makes it.
Best wishes for you and the little one
I will pray for your help and comfort.
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I totally understand being upset, the ones I tried, I would have given the rest of my homegrown chicks that hatched for just one of the silkie babies.

I sure hope the one makes it.
Com' on baby, a whole community loves ya and is hoping for ya - but no pressure.

We will just have to try, try again.

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