What's wrong with their feathers?

My furry friends are not going anywhere!

But, if you send me those 12 week old black Ameraucanas, you WILL be participating! Come on, let's make a deal!

Look at this face, begging you for a mate ....

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I can get my hands on a nice Blue roo, but that's the best I can do at the moment. Still waiting for my BBS AM chicks since she had to set a new hatch.
Ameraucana breeder [correction: Paul] Smith in Texas will have day-old Black, Blue & Splash chicks available in May. He posted a thread at http://www.ameraucana.org/abcforum/index.php?a=topic&t=1219 and you can click on his name there to contact him.

You could let him know about this special breeding project & see if he might be able to get you any earlier, or if he has any older birds for sale.

Also, there is a breeder in Salt Lake City, UT with a few adult Blacks & Blues for sale. Contact me if you'd like his info.
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I got my blue/black amer. chicks from Paul Smith also. I have 13 chicks, and they are looking good. I can't tell the sex of any of them yet.

alicefelldown - I think your chicken looks like a lady. My roos definitely have the three rows visible pretty early.

kathyinmo - I agree that yours look like 2 roos, 1 pullet.

They are all so beautiful! Congrats!

Unfortunately the fluffy chickens are still not laying. It's been about three weeks now.
When you consider the young age and small numbers we're dealing with, I think things are going quite well and about as fast as they can.

The BBS AMs I've ordered are/were being set specifically for my order, so I'll just wait for them, though I do appreciate the link. However, I would pick up some nice BBS AM pullets should I find any at the show. You know Kathy, you're on our way home. If I find any, do you want to babysit for awhile?
It's this Sat in Sedalia at the fairgrounds. I'll see if I can find a link. Show and swap. Sanctioned, double show....starts at 9am I think. We have to leave here at about 4AM, but it's only a couple hrs for you. I'm hoping/expecting some of the ABC club members/breeders will be there. http://www.ameraucana.org/ABC Meets.html

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