What's wrong with their feathers?


Thanks everyone!

I know not to count my chickens before they hatch BUT, I was realllly hoping this time would work. Off to bed. Maybe I'll wake to more pips in the morning!
Bailey, I missed the post yesterday. Sorry the chick died. Helping chicks is difficult - I've had good results and bad.

Give this second chick a while before you do anything. If it hasn't made any progress this evening then start helping. I'm still hoping that you get a live chick out of this.
Well I wasn't as patient as planned. The memrane was almost entire separated from the shell so I removed some shell and moistened the membrane. 2 hours later I checked again and moved the membrane around a little. The litttle lizard slid right out! There was a bit of blood at the umbilical cord area but it seems to have stopped bleeding after a couple of drops. It's moving and chirping and napping. Hopefully when I get home this afternoon it's still going strong!
on the live hatch . Shipped eggs seem to be a risk anyway from what I've learned here at BYC , and with several generations of inbreeding these silkied birds warrant whatever it takes to get some hatched and ready for the first generation of outcrosses . Sorry you lost the first , but best wishes for a healthy chick waiting for you this afternoon .
Guess who has a live and nearly fluffy baby chick?!?!?!

It's still alive and kicking. and chirping away. What a relief

I'll get a photo this evening when I put it in the brooder. I hatched some other chicks just in case I ended up with only one. There are two day-old blue bantam cochins just waiting to be friends.

I've never hoped for a roo before, but now I sort of am... Not that I can really keep a rooster in the city, but in this case, I might try.

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