Whats wrong?!

my rooster and 2 ens exactly the same,am out of my mind,back 2 vet 2moro,rooster was the first to get sick,very ill very suddenly,he,got enough antibiotics but not getting well!! hens are miserable,just got sick 2 days ago,had 2 put them snuggled up in shed,am starting to panic too because they should be well by now! rattley chest,coughing slime,poo white/yellow,comb ect good.not great appetit but thank god eating boiled eggs and beans,i am with you on this because it is a frustrating illness and i cant get real help because vets are not familiar with hens!!
Mine only show sneezing, coughing (sometimes) and snotty noses. They are running around pecking at everything and have good poops, no runny poops or nothing. I just cant put my finger on what it is they have. They have so much energy and are eating great. Hope your Babies get well soon.
Mine are sneezing, and a little rattle from a couple but the rattle has gone away from most of them. I think tomorrow I am going to let them out to free range and I am going to completely clean their coop and run. Maybe a little running around will do them some good. I haven't completely cleaned the inside of the coop since they were sick because I haven't let them out!

I am only doing the bleach water every other batch of water. I alternate between the bleach and the duramycin. I am not too worried about bleached out eggs. If they die I wont get any eggs, and I am not eating eggs while they are on antibiotics anyhow! :) Lets just make it through the winter!
My chickens sound like they have a lot of the same symptoms. I had the vet do swabs tests and they were sent to a lab. The chicken they tested has Mycoplasma.

Can you get the vet to do tests so you know what you need to treat for?
To be honest, I haven't even looked into a vet. I can't really afford it. They seem to be getting better, I have all kinds of faith they will get over this. Hopefully sooner than later, but who knows :)
i have 2 barbu'danvers with your symptons but never get worse!! are in right form,,my big one i think have gapeworms,have treated them for it but slow process getting better,so frustrating,are gurgling still,trying to cough up stuff,eating well and in better form but one poor hen has lost a lot of weight :/ hope your chicks better too ;)
So after being gone 24 hours, I came home to a dead rooster. He was the original rooster who started having funny breathing, and he was the only one left that I still felt like hadn't improved. Before we left I noticed that his comb seemed to get real pale, but didn't really know what to think of it. The others SOUND completely better, but my other rooster has a swollen eye, not sure what that's about. Sad to lose one, not sure what to think about it though.
I don't know what I think. It's 25 dollars a gallon. That's really high.

I just want to know what I can do for my chicken's swollen eye. Still swollen this morning, gave antibiotics. Is there a cream or something to put on it?! What can I dooooooooo?

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