What's your biggest pet peeve?

I am not going to reveal in public the thing that you said that makes me respect what you said. There is something that you said that gets me in a lot of trouble that you respcet. I dont care if you are male or female, I love you for saying it.
1. People who live through their children..
2.Clueless people who get a (baby) animal just for the holidays.

3. People who come over and pet your animals WITHOUT ASKING!!

4. People who want your animals even if they arent for sale, and will try to buy them from you. (Get your own!

5 Example : Had lady and her daughter come out to look at my pony for sale. She said on the phone that she was not interested in showing. Comes over and all the while is asking me "How big does a pony have to be to fit in ____ Class?" "What are the ____ for dressage?" "Have you ever done shows with her?" "When was the last time she was shown?"
"How would she do in pleasure?"

Those are mine
I like to do this to Jordalicious simply to irritate him. It makes for fun times. His tone of voice in reacting makes me giggle.

Don't talk to me in person, then.
"Eerawk" just sounds weird.

List my pet peeves? Y'all don't have the time, I promise you.

Kimbolicious, no matter how often it happens, it still drives me insane.
wow.. i could go on all day.

a trail right behind my chicken coop(trail not on my property but im sure someone will come onto my property when going up the trail just to see if they can find some eggs. ugh)

people on cell phones while driving(whether it's texting or talking.. get a clue)

saying you are going to hang out with me.. then an hour and a half later.. "i gotta be home at this time.." (about 20 mins later)

my husband. i mean i love the man, but he needs to realize i'm his wife, not his slave. im not a cook/laundry women/maid/dishwasher just for him.

people who let their kids run wild in the stores to drive other people crazy. also who let their children cry and cry and cry and cry while in the stores. pick the kid up and leave. I would. and i have. when my child throws a tantrum, i either stop it in some way(toys or give them a piece of food.. cheerios or whatever..) or i leave the store so others don't have to deal with it.

people who change their child in or on their car and leave the dipe in the car lot(my ex friend is one who did this)

when people don't text me back haha.

when the PO handles my button quail eggs rough and i get 15 out of 40 eggs to be not cracked.

people who take advantage of the help their recieve.. and are hateful when it gets taken away cuz they make too much money(same "friend" again)

man alive, i could go all day.

i can't think of all of them.. ugh. guess ill have to stop.
I've got a new one for the day!

I went to a wedding today. It was amazing, set up perfectly and they did a really well job on it. It started, bride walked down the aisle then a baby started wailing. No one took it out, what did they do? Hand him to his mother, who was standing right next to the groom! *Not the bride, she was a bridesmaid
* She held him wailing throughout the WHOLE ENTIRE wedding. I wanted to go knock her head off.

It was very rude and ruined the whole wedding.
sigh, that would annoy me too and i love babies and kids. when my kids acted up at my sisters wedding, and they were in it, my dh took them to another area and let them run wild so the ceremony was quiet.

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