What's your "Dream Flock"? How many chickens is the perfect amount for you? What breeds do you adore?



Mar 6, 2020
Andalusia, Alabama
I ask this because I'm growing my flock this year, not merely recouping lost numbers. (We had an issue with predators that caused me to lose over half my flock of 11 last year.) We are in the process of building a bigger, better enclosure with a large shed-type coop that I can easily walk in and clean with a large run. That being said, I've calculated the run and coop can accommodate comfortably about 28 chickens.

Mind you, I'm not aiming for the max number as I like plenty of space and I'm sure my chickens do too. But I was thinking of adding a few more. I'm currently at 15 chickens counting the new batch of chicks that just came in from the hatchery a couple of days ago. So, as I sit here and dream about what sort of breeds I'd like to incorporate into my flock... I'd love to hear about your "dream flock."

My current flock is a mix of Dominicker (Rooster!), Cornish, Black Sexlink, and my new chicks are Easter Eggers. I'd love roughly 20 chickens. If I could find one locally I'd totally snag a Sapphire Olive Egger. I'm keeping a close eye on my local stores and breeders to see what chicks are available, so I can snag breeds on my watch list.
I have found that the friendliest chickens I have are the Buff Orpingtons and my Speckled Sussex, Sadie. I have 39 chickens and want 8 more blue egg layers! Talk about Chicken Math! I have two coops and two runs where they are locked in at night. They get to choose which coop and run they go to. I also have a fenced free range area about 1/2 the size of a football field for them to run around during the day. They are happy, but I want more! I have Delewares, Jersey Giants, Wyandottes, Barred Rocks, easter eggers, Leghorns, Speckled Sussex and 3 mixed breed hens from my rooster Harvey. Oh, and one Rhode Island Red. My Buff Orpington "Blondie" runs to me and wants to be held. When I sit down on my bench inside the big run to hold her, the others jump up on the bench and all around me too. I just love my chickens! I believe having lots of space for them keeps them from fighting and makes them content. Keep us posted on what you get!

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I just am doing a do over, after a complete wreck. But over the years, I have found I truly enjoy a mixed flock, no one breed. The number of birds for me, is between 8-12 .... which is why I just recently got 3 head of older birds, and an order for 17 chicks.

It is called chicken math.... but I have until September to figure it out. Come the fall, you need to make your numbers ready for the long nights of winter.

Mrs K
I went with my husband to get parts for his truck and decided to stop by TSC to get some herbs that I saw they had in... AND as luck would have it they had some Black Copper pullets... So now I have five BCM chicks in the brooder (yes, separated from the first batch in their own brooder) :love

That pretty much ends my chick purchasing this year as that puts me at the golden number of 20 chickens. Here's to hoping they are all (or mostly all) pullets and not surprise roosters!
I have found that the friendliest chickens I have are the Buff Orpingtons and my Speckled Sussex, Sadie. I have 39 chickens and want 8 more blue egg layers! Talk about Chicken Math! I have two coops and two runs where they are locked in at night. They get to choose which coop and run they go to. I also have a fenced free range area about 1/2 the size of a football field for them to run around during the day. They are happy, but I want more! I have Delewares, Jersey Giants, Wyandottes, Barred Rocks, easter eggers, Leghorns, Speckled Sussex and 3 mixed breed hens from my rooster Harvey. Oh, and one Rhode Island Red. My Buff Orpington "Blondie" runs to me and wants to be held. When I sit down on my bench inside the big run to hold her, the others jump up on the bench and all around me too. I just love my chickens! I believe having lots of space for them keeps them from fighting and makes them content. Keep us posted on what you get!

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This looks and sounds like a dream set up to me! Love it😍
I went with my husband to get parts for his truck and decided to stop by TSC to get some herbs that I saw they had in... AND as luck would have it they had some Black Copper pullets... So now I have five BCM chicks in the brooder (yes, separated from the first batch in their own brooder) :love

That pretty much ends my chick purchasing this year as that puts me at the golden number of 20 chickens. Here's to hoping they are all (or mostly all) pullets and not surprise roosters!
Yes, I am at the golden number of 20 chickens also, after purchasing 10 chicks and hatching 6 myself. So, I'm not getting any chickens for awhile either (though in the in 4 or 5 months I am sure some cockerels will have to go).

My current flock have the following breeds: Dominique, Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Gold sex-link, Black Australorp, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Production Blue, Black Copper Maran sex-link, regular Black Copper Maran (not sex-linked), Naked Neck, and a mix of Dominque and Easter Egger that I'm hoping will be female.

A lot of breeds eh?

In the future I would like to get some Leghorns, Welsummers, Black Jersey Giants, Whiting True Blues and a Rhode Island Red to replace mine that died. Also am considering getting some Cornish Cross to raise my own meat birds. I think that would be rather interesting since the only thing I've butchered so far have been accidental cockerels, who have proved to be rather skinny.

I think the perfect number for me is 50... (the number I would want!) but I don't think the coop is big enough nor my parents willing enough! (or the budget either!)
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This is the sweet coop my father in law made for me two years ago from scratch😃
We are in the process of building a new coop now, as we have run out of room and are needing to expand. We will keep this coop as my Cochin breeding coop. I agree with the statement about a walk in coop! That’s what we are building now. Cleaning and caring for chickens while partially bent over is not enjoyable and is hard on your back.
I had bad luck last year with chicks. From predatory chicks to mareks vaccines failing and just weird accidents. I lost fully half of what I grew out before they even started laying. Then, weird things happening to half of my old gals. This year I just now got 8 copper marans, I was down to my last one who is 6 years old. Very nice layers, and not aggravating. Also I got a mix of breeds I've never had before, Rhode island reds, New Hampshire, a buff something, a blue something (bad memory here). I will never get silver laced wyandottes again. They were the worst birds ever for picking on the other chickens. This happened twice in different flocks, different years. I have had mostly good luck with BOs, but some also pick on other birds, especially if theres more than 2 or 3. Got 1 now who just loves to sit on my lap and get petted. I'm betting she'll be a good Mama. Hoping for a better year with chickens this year, I have Mareks on my property, so it's a crapshoot, even with the vaxed birds. I like to keep around 22 to 25 + or -.
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