What's Your Favorite Word, Or Saying?

sister boogie woman


see you later sister boogie woman

Something my friends & I used to say when we were in our early 20's.
Wicked! That's a New England thing. As in:

That was wicked awesome!
He's wicked stupid.
That was a wicked storm we had last week.
And so on...

Our middle daughter went to college for a couple years in VA and people down there thought her "wicked" about everything was weird!
My cousin and I have a few we say alot.

"I hear ya cluckin big chicken" (Kinda like, I get what you're saying)
"I smell what you steppin in" (same as above)
"Peace out ninja" (when we say goodbye)
I do that too. It embarrasses the kids which in itself is reason enough to keep doing it but I like saying Howdy instead of hello or hi. Sort of makes people think I'm actually saying something to them instead of just opening my mouth and letting words fall out. I picked it up when I lived in Texas.
I hacked alot of words when I was young. one that I still use all the time is POSTA.
It takes the place of supposed to.

Your posta mow the lawn!
My favorite words are:

Gription... grip and traction combined

Flippin.... Used in place of the famous "F" bomb. example, Wow, are you flippin crazy!
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