Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

i should say i keep notes on what birds came from were and egg color anbd breeder they canme from . i made a excell program for my small breeding that has leg band numbers and stuff,... ytou clicl on leg mand and picture of bird appears . its very primative but if anyone wants i can sebnd it i think ,,, its for 15 or so birds but can be made larger i am sure someone who knows about computers and excell could make a better oine then me a carpenter... i just like know what biiird is fromm were and after a few years i tend to forget so i keep notes
I'm glad a Wheaten Marans specific thread was created, the other thread seems to be so dominated by Black Coppers, this thread should become a very useful tool for those who are looking to breed and keep Wheaties.

Personally they are my most absolute favorite Marans, I'll be hatching eggs from Cree Farms as well as from Fitz Farms and I'll be receiving chicks from Buddy Henry to start my program next spring. I've read and heard the warnings about what mixing lines can do to a bird, it's type/conformation, egg color, etc. so I have a question.

Because there is so little biodiversity with this color, would mixing the lines really be that much of a no no? I guess the only way to tell would be to wait and see how the offspring mature and then wait for the egg color... it's a project I'm excited about though, so I can't wait for the springtime to get here! We're in the middle of our rainy winter here in Northern California and I can't wait for the long summer days to return.

ETA: Don (snowbird) do you have Wheatens, too? I'd love to see pictures of your birds as well!
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Lovely eggs berkeleysprings, thank you for your reply.

IMO, if your diligent about your record keeping and are willing to cull out those birds that aren't satisfactory, then I don't see an issue with crossing lines either.

I could be way off base, but that's just my thinking.
I need to get some new photos of my wheatens. These are probably both are at least a year old. The one is when the girls had all molted out their dark tail feathers and in the other picture the roo was molting and looked pretty disheveled. The egg pictures are from early last summer.




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