Wheezing 4 week old Silkie

This package weighs 280 grams
Package contains 102.4 grams oxytetracycline

102.4 / 280 = 0.37 , which means that it's 37% oxytetracycline and 63% filler
370 mg per gram
One teaspoon probably weighs 3 grams, so it's 3 x 370mg = 1110 mg per teaspoon
The 800 mg dose for one gallon = ~3/4 teaspoons
This package weighs 280 grams
Package contains 102.4 grams oxytetracycline

102.4 / 280 = 0.37 , which means that it's 37% oxytetracycline and 63% filler
370 mg per gram
One teaspoon probably weighs 3 grams, so it's 3 x 370mg = 1110 mg per teaspoon
The 800 mg dose for one gallon = ~3/4 teaspoons
Ok. I don’t even know what you said but it sounds bad lol.

So basically I paid $30 from a vet for powder FILLER?? 😰😤
And it sounds like to me that isn’t enough to treat all those birds. Like they aren’t drinking this water barely. They would have to drink every bit of that water to do anything??
Ok. I don’t even know what you said but it sounds bad lol.
It's not bad, I just wanted you to see the math.
So basically I paid $30 from a vet for powder FILLER?? 😰😤
Your vet over charged you, by a lot, but your vet screwed up by not telling you how much to use. Shame on him!
And it sounds like to me that isn’t enough to treat all those birds. Like they aren’t drinking this water barely. They would have to drink every bit of that water to do anything??
That entire bag will make 128 gallons, you used way too much. The per-gallon dose is 3/4 teaspoon.
It's not bad, I just wanted you to see the math.

Your vet over charged you, by a lot, but your vet screwed up by not telling you how much to use. Shame on him!

So here’s where I’m at. I have this much water they’re barely drinking. Should I dump this, give them a smaller waterer, and do a smaller dose? Like 2 quarts?

He told me do the 1/2 bag per gallon. But I didn’t realize how slowly they drink water they don’t like ☹️ And it just didn’t dawn on me that it could possibly go bad in the waterer! My fault.
Look at this!! I’m reading it as 1/2-1 pack PER GALLON? Did I just overdose them!! Ahhh!!!


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