When did chickens become exotic pets?

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Socialization. Learning to behave around people so that the dog doesn't act inappropriately. Training. Grooming. Fitting for a collar or other things.

I've done bookstore signings (published author) and brought my dog into the bookstore. She was 100% well-behaved and even allowed children to hang off her (when the parents didn't bother to ask permission). I ended up extricating my dog from misbehaving children.
The bookstore employees were bringing Fiji water for my dog as though she was a celebrity. She had her canine good citizen and multiple titles.

Not once did my dog ever interact with anyone who didn't want to interact with her. She was far better behaved than most people I know.
Last time I checked, those businesses are PRIVATE businesses and can admit anything they want to provided that they don't violate health department laws (hence no animals in restaurants or grocery stores).

You don't like a dog in Lowes? Don't shop there.
You don't like a pet in Petsmart? Don't shop there.
Vote with your money. Don't tell shop owners what to do or not to do.

Should you not have to worry about your child touching my dog? I shouldn't have to worry about your child getting in my dog's face. But I do. And you should worry about watching your child. There is more danger than just a dog out there. Like weirdos who prey on kids and parents who don't watch their children. Suppose my dog intervened? What would you think then?

Children should be taught to ask before petting. I'm not responsible for training your child, but somehow parents seem to think I should, regardless of whether or not I have a dog with me. I've had children screaming and running underfoot, try to hand me goobered up stuff, and put their germ-ladened fingers over everything.

It works both ways.
Actually, for many parents, leaving their children at home or in the car just isn't an option for one reason or another, whereas one doesn't have to have a dog with them everywhere they go. If the weather is conducive, dogs can be left in the car without someone calling the law. Children cannot.

Good rule of thumb...leave your dogs at home and your children too, if you possibly can. If you cannot, then human stores are certainly appropriate for humans...not necessarily for dogs.
If I see you in a store and your toddler is crying b/c its naptime, or you're getting a gallon of milk b/c you ran out with your 3 kids after school and they're cranky........I will NOT EVER give you the evil eye. Kids are not going to be well behaved in EVERY SINGLE excursion to a store...........they're KIDS for heavens sake. I wish they would make stores just for crotchety kid hating people so that parents who might be having an off day don't have to deal with them.
there is a restaurant that banned kids. talk of an airline that is going to offer kid-free flights.

I don't hate kids; I have 2. But I hate parents who don't control their kids. Kid is screaming and throwing a holy tantrum and they just keep on wandering aimlessly through the store. It's one thing for a kid to be having a bad day, of course you have to finish your errands. but too many parents are just tuned out. Or blatantly allow their kids to behave like heathens.
I will also say that a lot of parents are afraid to discipline their children in public nowadays. I got told off in a store by a woman who told me she was going to call the police b/c I told my 2 yr old son he was going to get a spanking when we got home. He took something out of our cart and threw it on the floor in a tantrum. So parents, in general, get slammed b/c other people don't think we discipline our children, while we get the cops called on us if we do! I wish society would make up their minds on what they would like us to do, really. I feel like I have whiplash: don't discipline in public/do discipline in public........
This has gotten way off topic, but I'll add my 2 cents worth. Wouldn't it be wonderful if stores like Walmart offered a free and safe kid-sitting service, for parents to utilize while shopping? How many times have you been in a big box store at 11 pm or so and there was a family with cart heaped high, with a couple of very tired little kids crying/acting out? Not fair to the kids, not fair to the parents who didn't plan the day better, not fair to me to have to listen to kids whining and parents talking hatefully to them.
Back on topic

I see dogs occasionally in grocery stores and restaurants, not always service dogs either. Doesn't bother me. There are way worse things to worry about.

Imp- everything tastes better with cat hair.
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