When do Buff Orpingtons start laying?

Mine were laying at 20 weeks which also happened to be spring time. I think you have to consider the time of year and how much sunlight they get per day as well as their age.
One of my eight Orpingtons turned out to be a rooster. He's so proud of himself. He actually attempted to crow at 8 weeks. He is now 12. He still doesn't have it down perfectly but he's still proud. I am still fascinated with them. I sit and watch them several times a day. They are so entertaining. I can't wait to get my first eggs.
We have 7 Buff Orpingtons and received our first egg at 21 weeks and one day. It was an exciting day. Two of our grandkids were visiting and had been to see if we had eggs 10+ times before noon. Our first egg arrived just a few hours before they went home. Thank you girls for delivering just in time for Trent and Azleigh to get excited with us. :cd
I have 3 buffs hens, 3 barred hens, and 1 buff rooster. I purchased them all on April 24th and none could have be more than a few days old. I have one buff hen who started laying a couple of weeks ago. So that would make her 12 weeks when she started. She is the biggest of the 3 and she was only fed chick starter and now grower food, as well as free ranged and scratch. I will have to wait and see when the others start laying. The rooster has started crowing and I caught him trying to mount one of my older hens. I don't know if that makes a difference.

This is my hen that is laying. And the fuzzy butt at the bottom of the picture is my older hen I got this spring. Poor girl wasn't taken care of well.
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We have 6 BO's - 5 hens and a roo (in addition to 2 slightly younger Barred Rocks and 2 RIRs). All the buffs, except 1, are laying. They started about 20-22 weeks and have been pretty consistent. We got all the buffs together and are now around 24 weeks. Still nothing from one of them.....she doesn't look too much more mature now than when we put her in the coop- just bigger. I'm sure she'll get there, but at this rate, our Barred Rocks will start laying first! (and they're only around 16-20 weeks old. When we got them, the seller told us they were 4 months, but I think they were just too small to be that old). Our Rosie is a frustrating girl!!!
I have 9 Buffs and only one is laying she was about 18-19 weeks when she started.But none of the others have even started the egg song or squat she was laying one every other day when she started but now she is laying one egg every day!!! YAY! just wish my others would start now, but have feeling it will still be a while.
The 'Egg Song"? So birds will PRETEND to lay eggs before they ACTUALLY lay eggs? So, If my chickens aren't pretending to lay an egg now, I probably have awhile before I can cross eggs off my shopping list.
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One of my 5 BO girls started to lay yesterday at 19.5 weeks. I initially thought she was a roo at first because her comb is large and has been really red for over a month. I have one other girl who has begun squatting but her comb is still pale red. Hoping she will lay for me soon. I even saw her checking out one of the nesting boxes today. My other three...well I'm not holding my breath, They are all the same age. But they still have pink comb with tiny wattles. Today I got my second egg. Crossing my fingers we will have another tomorrow. This is such an exciting venture for my and my family.

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