When is a chicken old


10 Years
Oct 7, 2009
We have 10 road island reds. They were given to us last year and we and who we got them from come up with is they are about 2 yr. old.
My question is. When is a chicken old and when do you starting replacing them. We sure enjoy them are learning.Also have one that eats eggs doesn't mater who's it is. I got her market so I now when she is in the house.
Thanks Don
They start slowing down their egg laying about 2 1/2-3 years old. So some people replace then. Other people keep them longer and some keep them till they die naturally. They can rarely live to about 15-20 years old.
Does this help?

It does help thanks. We were just wondering.Is it true that Road Island Red are pron to eating eggs more then other breeds.When I start replacing I would like to get good ones
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