When Will I See An Egg?


In the Brooder
Sep 1, 2019
Hello. I live in Knoxville, TN and have a small flock of backyard chickens. I have two Easter Eggers and two Cuckoo Marans. My girls are 6 months old now and loooking quite mature. I have a clean, comfortable coop & run for them, and it’s definitely big enough. They get to free range in our yard for 1-2 hours in the late afternoon 3-4 times weekly. I feed them Purina Layer Crumbles and supplement with kitchen scraps and a small amount of sunflower seeds. They have 3 comfortable, private nestboxes. They get plenty of sunshine but also have a shady area in their run, plus they can escape the heat by going into their actual coop.

My question is this: when do y’all think that it’s likely that I might start seeing eggs? Do you think that it will be next spring since it’s now fall and they haven’t started laying yet? Does anyone have any first hand experience with Easter Eggers and Cuckoo Marans as it relates to their laying habits?

Thank you.
Hello. I live in Knoxville, TN and have a small flock of backyard chickens. I have two Easter Eggers and two Cuckoo Marans. My girls are 6 months old now and loooking quite mature. I have a clean, comfortable coop & run for them, and it’s definitely big enough. They get to free range in our yard for 1-2 hours in the late afternoon 3-4 times weekly. I feed them Purina Layer Crumbles and supplement with kitchen scraps and a small amount of sunflower seeds. They have 3 comfortable, private nestboxes. They get plenty of sunshine but also have a shady area in their run, plus they can escape the heat by going into their actual coop.

My question is this: when do y’all think that it’s likely that I might start seeing eggs? Do you think that it will be next spring since it’s now fall and they haven’t started laying yet? Does anyone have any first hand experience with Easter Eggers and Cuckoo Marans as it relates to their laying habits?

Thank you.
They should definitely be laying by 6 months. Are you supplying a proper source of calcium? The heat could also have to do with it.

Chickens normally start laying at 18 weeks (4 months.)
They should definitely be laying by 6 months. Are you supplying a proper source of calcium? The heat could also have to do with it.

Chickens normally start laying at 18 weeks (4 months.)

Thank you for your reply. Would the Purina Layer Crumbles not supply the right balance of nutrients? Plus they’re getting quite a bit of healthy grass from our lawn.
If they aren't laying yet I wouldn't have them on layer. It shouldn't affect laying onset, but they don't yet need the extra calcium and grower often is slightly higher in protein, which can help them as they continue maturing.

Have any of the pullets squatted yet?

Waiting for the first egg is often a lesson in patience. They'll lay when they're ready.
Hello. I live in Knoxville, TN and have a small flock of backyard chickens. I have two Easter Eggers and two Cuckoo Marans. My girls are 6 months old now and loooking quite mature. I have a clean, comfortable coop & run for them, and it’s definitely big enough. They get to free range in our yard for 1-2 hours in the late afternoon 3-4 times weekly. I feed them Purina Layer Crumbles and supplement with kitchen scraps and a small amount of sunflower seeds. They have 3 comfortable, private nestboxes. They get plenty of sunshine but also have a shady area in their run, plus they can escape the heat by going into their actual coop.

My question is this: when do y’all think that it’s likely that I might start seeing eggs? Do you think that it will be next spring since it’s now fall and they haven’t started laying yet? Does anyone have any first hand experience with Easter Eggers and Cuckoo Marans as it relates to their laying habits?

Thank you.

I also live in Knoxville and am in virtually the same situation as you (except with RIR, easter eggers, and one barred rock). I’m interested to see when yours lay.
Are you supplying a proper source of calcium? Grass won't help them lay.
Neither will extra calcium.

If they aren't laying yet I wouldn't have them on layer. It shouldn't affect laying onset, but they don't yet need the extra calcium and grower often is slightly higher in protein, which can help them as they continue maturing.
Ditto Dat^^^
I feed them Purina Layer Crumbles and supplement with kitchen scraps and a small amount of sunflower seeds.
How long have they been on layer feed?
I'd cut out the scraps and seeds.
Then ....you'll just have to wait.
This time of year can delay onset of lay due to the exponentially decreasing daylight hours. They may not lay until after Solstice.
Here's some tips on how to tell....
How old are these birds? Six months old is usually a good estimate before they start laying although I’m not sure about Easter Eggers. Hybrids will start earlier. Do they have red combs? Are they squatting? My BCM and Legbar just started at 23 weeks. As for feed, I would have them on grower with oyster shell on the side until they are all laying.

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