when will my broody get up?


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Well, since Thursday we have 4 lively chicks and there's one egg under her that's due to hatch today. I just took out the three eggs that I suspected were infertiles, candled them to be sure, and set them gently on the ground outside.
The mama is just amazing. The chicks come out from under her, eat, drink, look her in the eye as if to to say "Hi Mom; it's me!" then peck at her face--they seem especially to like her wattle. She is just as gentle and proud as can be. She started eating more yesterday--she's eating the medicated starter food that's out for the chicks. She hasn't been up for several days. While she was setting I would take her out once a day and put her on he newpapers and she would usually poop. I wonder if I should take her out for a couple of minutes now and maybe put the heat lamp over the the babies. Does this sound reasonable? I'm a little worried about her health. But I don't want to jepardize the chicks. Or will she eventally get up.?The other thing is, she's in the house, in a low box (like a small sandbox) with no top--we had wire mesh over it till it became clear she was not going anywhere. When is a broody likely to gt up and take a walk?
If she is still sitting on an egg, she will usually not leave the nest for the last few days prior to hatching. I would leave her be untill the egg hatches or she leaves it. If she is caring for the babies by allowing them to brood and they are eating ok then she will take care of things from there. I would probably try to take her back to the coop with the babies. Possibly screen off an area for them. If you take her off the nest for a short while the chicks will be ok without a light. They get shipped across the country with out anything except each other for warmth. She will not like leaving the babies or the nest so she will try to get back there ASAP.
The egg that is left started to pip. So I'm hoping we gt aother chick today. Then I will rig up new quarters for them but I am going to keep them in the house. It's still quite cold out and however we screen them from the others in the coop I would not trust that one of the little ones would not get hurt. Maybe I"ll feel differently in a couple of weeks.
Thank you so much for the advice. I wish I were as instinctive about caring for this brood as my hen is!

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