When your doctor tells you that you must exercise

I wish my mother was still alive, she would have done an excellent series of drawings to accompany your descriptions. Great post LG, I love it!!
I do actually go to my exercise strength conditioning class every day and I do love it but I also spend a huge amount of time doing exactly the same things that are described by LG. So technically speaking I should live forever, right?? :old
Well done on your program. Have you considered another doctor ? Mine keeps telling me to do less, "You're not 25 anymore." :smack
I love how the medical professionals are always trying to make someone, 'specially older someones, fit into a neat little box. If you're in a particular age group, they don't want you on ladders, or lifting anything substantial, or a dozen other dont's. Heck, I cut wood with a guy in his 80's, with COPD, who can still work me into the ground, & he has close to 10 years on me.
We're old, not cold, people
My DH is 71, and still climbing trees to remove branches before felling the tree...(but he never exercises either)
daddy's tree.png
Had a friend who did that. He climbed an old pine tree that was growing too close to the house. Limb broke. He, and limb, and chain saw landed on the ground at about the same time, IIRC, he broke 2 legs and one arm. He was not 71 at the time, either!!!
My FIL likes to tell stories about an uncle of his that sawed off the branch he was sitting on.... twice.. and not on the same day either.
I wonder if society will ever stop saying that exercise is needed to lose weight. Some diseases might be obesity related so doctors insist on exercise but it always comes down to how much we eat. I lost 30 lbs while eating junk food and didn't even take walks. I just ate less and the app My Fitness Pal helped me with that. I was not working at the time and it took 6 months so I don't know if I could've done it if I had to expend more energy. I try to eat healthier now and park the car further to walk because it feels better though.
I wish my mother was still alive, she would have done an excellent series of drawings to accompany your descriptions. Great post LG, I love it!!
I do actually go to my exercise strength conditioning class every day and I do love it but I also spend a huge amount of time doing exactly the same things that are described by LG. So technically speaking I should live forever, right?? :old
I've tried the conventional exercise routines any number of times in an effort to drop a few pounds; waste of time for me. I can't stay motivated long enough for jumping jacks, push-ups, & deep knee bends to do me any good. Swinging a hammer, running a circular saw, holding a heavy framing nailer over my head at arm's length while trying not to take a header off a ladder, carrying sheets of plywood (including trying to maneuver one onto a pair of sawhorses that won't stay put, by myself) or wet 2x6x12's or full rolls of wire around, and constantly running back to the shop to get something I should've taken with me to begin with; those will give me as much workout as I need, and more, regardless of age.

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