Where can I find Silkied varieties of rare, or uncommon breeds.

Phenotypically they look identical, but we don't know genotypically, and we won't find out until someone invents a genetic test for that kind of thing. The only genetic test for chickens is the fibro test. Maybe someone could make a new line of Silkied Ameraucanas, but with the silkie gene from the Cochins. Though it would take forever to get rid of the Cochin attributes
Phenotype is all that matters, at least for showing which is what people generally judge looks based on. There is no such thing as pedigrees or registration for individual chickens to prove they're purebred. If it looks just like a cochin, it's judged as a cochin, even if it's grandparent wasn't a cochin
And finally, where can I find Silkied Orpingtons.

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