Where did they come from???

How do I get the numbskulls to drink from it rather than hang around it? I've tied grass to the yellow things...they grab the grass, droplets of water fall to the ground...walk away from waterer. Tried balancing treats on them too...same thing.View attachment 1372642

Go on the other side of the fence, put a stick thru the fence and click the nipple to make it drip. They will come look, and they will get it.
Makes you wonder if they where not hurt by someone or had by someone afraid of them
only 2 of my birds let me pick them up easily .. one someone else raised and carried daily and the other was in my living room for 5 months recovering from a hawk attack.
4 other ones will jump on me occasionally the other 40+ get under my feet at feeding time but no way will they let me pick them up
My birds will come to me and let me pet them on their own terms, but picking them up is not in the cards. But I have too many to take time to imprint, that said the few girls who did will still fly up on my shoulders.

ETA: Once they figure out water comes from hitting the silver thing, they'll get it. I train mine at 1 day old to nipple waterers and they never forget.
I train mine when I first get them take them lift them pointing beak at nipple while I push the button with the other hand using a long stick to make it drip is good idea if you have no other way

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