Where did you get your chickens' names

Mine are all named after first ladies. Betty (Ford), Dolly (Madison), Eleanor (Roosevelt), Pat (Nixon) etc....
out of our 15 chickens only 2 have a name. ! is my white silkie named lizzie "named after my g/f" she is very affectionate. My moms barred rock roo is named godzilla. The reason why? If you was on the phone and heard his raspy crow over it then you will know:lol:
I have Lucy, Lily just liked the names both golden comets.

Dolly a BR named after Dolly Parton she is a loud mouth.

Reba a BR after Reba McEntire.

Patty she is the fattest one and has no tail feathers so she looks even fatter. Sometimes I call her Miss Piggy she is the first one and the last one eating. Don't know why she is fat. None of the rest are.

Banty babies
Captain Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swann
of corse from Pirates of the Carribian. These three also have personalities that fit who they are named after.
Well, Lucy is a RIR and was very vocal in the car on the way home from the feed store, so her name was easy. Her buddy the Dominique then became Ethel of course. Going on the "older" lady name theme we called the EE, Big Bertha, because she beat up on the other chicks at first since she was a week older. We later changed it to Berta because we just didn't much like Bertha and she stopped being mean anyway. The Buff Orp and the Australorp came a little later and I just liked Maybelle and Harriet for them - no particular reason.
Some of my babies were named for their colors. They were Easter chicks and had been dyed. Blondie was not dyed and was a nice light yellow. Goldie was dyed a dark golden yellow, BlueBell was, of course, blue, and Crush was orange. Crush has 2 stories depending on to whom you speak. Ds says it's because he was always crushing himself up in the middle of the older chicks; I say it is because he was orange, like the soda Orange Crush. Trixter, started out as GreenDay, but since he kept getting out and proved quite tricky, ds changed his name. Rascal, well, I just liked it. I've got 7 Araucanas named Brownie because it looked brown at first; Rose because it had curled toes and it rhymed; Eagle looks like an eagle (in reverse-white head dark body); Scout because I liked it, Sticky got all sticky when we brought it home from the sugar water; Vixen is just a cute name; and I have one more whose name I CANNOT figure out. And since I don't know if any of them are male or female, I want a name I can adapt. It is mostly blue-gray and gold-red. Maybe someone can help.
I have 5 pets...4 hens and a rooster...the first hen I got we named Pecker...she is the smartest and the queen of the pack...Next is Micah who was named by my granddaughter...then Alien because she is so shy and timid and not at all like the others who go to anyone...then my two silkies...the Hen is Little black Sambo after the childrens book and the Rooster who was named by another grandaughter is Duck
I have had lots of enjoyment from all of them.
We named a few and the kids named a few and some just named themselves. We have a barred rock named "Black Betty" after the song because she really was black for a long time. Our RIR is "pepper" of course. Like the "chilli pepper". Our Americana is "Glory". Our buff orpington was Sunny. We have a "Penny". And our white silkie is "Spaz" cause he was so frizzy and never could walk quite straight when he was a baby. And our mille fluer was "Griffon" because that's what he looked like. And the thre spanled hamburg bantys are girls but they are still the three stooges Larry, Mo and Curly! We love them all!
I have a few chickens named, a couple I named from Bugs Bunny cartoons.
My top roo Pepe` & my fav hen, Miss Prissy. Roadrunner,a bantam roo with legs for miles.
The rest are named because of their personalities,here's a few.Our top hen, Nugget is a big,bossy girl she's a Production red.
Lil' Chic
Lil' Kim (some else had that one too Lol)
There's more but I'm still not completely awake.

The kids just thought of as many "old biddy" names as they could, and since we're originally from the south, so many of our chicken kids are named after great aunts, lol.

Beatrice "Aunt Bea", the top hen
Ruby (RIR)
Lovedie - after a great aunt

Rev. Del (Delaware that is loving, kind, and will tell you "what for" when necessary)
Juanita (Columbian Wyandotte- obviously needed a Spanish name, lol)
Isabelle "Izzy"
Lacey (SLW)
Nellie (a jab at my dad- named a hen after him, 'Nelson'

Our Americauna started out as Miss America until she started crowing, now it's just America.

The kids change the rooster's name constantly, they can't agree on it... right now I think it's Romeo, but it's been Gomez, Felix, Dash, Nacho
, Lurch
, and Napoleon Dynamite

Ducks: Glory, Hallelujah, Hope, Beaker, Eppie (another aunt), and Joy

BTW, this is my first post after lurking for a few months... Hi everyone!


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