Where did you get your chickens?

The one thing I haven't done is order from a hatchery. I look online, go to swaps, flea markets, breeders. I check the birds over for any bugs on them and the cleanliness of the cage, their feet, it's no good to get unhealthy birds. If you pull the wings out and look at the ends, if the feather is separated instead of smooth and glossy down the length of a single feather, you can tell they've been in crowded conditions. Chicks fresh from a brooder can have that too. Just gives some indication to how they had been kept.

I'm always adding 2 at a time, with a quarantine period just in case no matter how healthy they look. But all that I have now, came from 4 places.
So true.
I buy hatching eggs, and collect birds from all the people around here. For years, I hatched dozens of eggs every year and gave away the birds. So now, I have dozens of possible sources.
My first five came from a neighbor we got our doves from. Then we hatched our own to build the remainder of our flock.

I'm so glad we bought locally rather than ordered from a commercial hatchery. The chicks were not stressed from shipping, and I believe I got better stock from someone who was breeding for quality rather than for quantity. We also got some good advice about what breeds of chickens do well in our climate and what to expect from their temperament.

You can google to see if there are any poultry groups in your area (on Yahoo or Meetup, for example), and find local breeders that way.
Ameraucanas - various breeders
Araucanas - a breeder
Polish - various breeders
Easter Eggers - My own breeding

Marans - various breeders
Shamos - a breeder
Jersey Giants - a breeder
Brahmas - hatchery, certainly regretting it
New Hampshire - hatchery
Mutts - My own breeding
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