Do you get bad reviews or whatever if you quit or something happens? Like do they tell other jobs not to hire you ?
I'm pretty sure legally they're not allowed to say anything bad about you in a reference call. But they have ways around that based on word choice and tone if you were a really bad employee
Do you get bad reviews or whatever if you quit or something happens? Like do they tell other jobs not to hire you ?
I don't know about your state but in Ohio, it is illegal to tell any future jobs about anything other than your start date, your end date(if you have one) and if you actually worked there. So, a phone call would go something like this:
New job(nj): Hello. This is nj, I'm calling about a job reference for Dawg
Current job(cj): Yes. How can I help?
NJ: When did Dawg start and when was her last day?
CJ: She started here on June 20 and is still here. Has never been late and is a hard worker

So, a current job reference cannot tell a new job about any discipline issues or not to hire you. Illegal
I'm pretty sure legally they're not allowed to say anything bad about you in a reference call. But they have ways around that based on word choice and tone if you were a really bad employee
I don't know about your state but in Ohio, it is illegal to tell any future jobs about anything other than your start date, your end date(if you have one) and if you actually worked there. So, a phone call would go something like this:
New job(nj): Hello. This is nj, I'm calling about a job reference for Dawg
Current job(cj): Yes. How can I help?
NJ: When did Dawg start and when was her last day?
CJ: She started here on June 20 and is still here. Has never been late and is a hard worker

So, a current job reference cannot tell a new job about any discipline issues or not to hire you. Illegal
Thank you both!!! Very helpful!!!
I'm late to the party, but I'm currently working in biotechnology research. Other jobs I've held in the past include manufacturing, where I worked with CNC machines and did basic QC stuff.
I did that too. The CNC machining I mean. That was actually fun, I loved my coworkers. Hated night shift but loved the no supervision
Thanks! Good to know.
And since you've never had a job before, any references you give would be from people you know. No family members, that's tacky. But any clients you had from dog walking/sitting would be a good reference. Or a higher up from the club you go to

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