Which breed for egg laying but also friendly

I was amazed with all the different responses, I guess it all depends on the environment they live in and the personalities of the keepers. In order, this is how I would rate my chickens:

My experience has been that the best all around layer is the Black Australorps, they are very docile and quiet and are very hardy through cold and hot weather when it comes to egg production, they are excellent egg layers. Rhode Island's are a close runner up in my book with the excellent laying, they are calm, and hardy through hot and cold as well.

The Sex Links are also excellent egg producers, but I notice better egg production out of them in the colder weather over hotter weather. They have a quiet temperment, but very chatty when they lay those eggs.

The Barred Rocks are very good layers, docile and the most friendliest that I have in my flock, but seem to lay their best in the cold over the hotter months. Same with the Speckled Sussex.

My Delawares and White Plymouths hang out alot together, both are very good layers, they are calm, pleasant, docile. They are good for year round production of eggs, hot and cold weather.

The Buff Orpingtons are good layers, docile, quiet, and super affectionate. You can love on them for hours at a time. The only downfall with the Buffs, they tend to go broody all the time. Thats good if you want to hatch more chicks, but sucks if you like to eat eggs!

My Amerucana's or EE's, are pretty good layers, really active and friendly, and they do best in the colder months.
I have several different breeds. Of all of them, the only ones I don't like are the leghorns, who are nutso and don't want to be touched.

My Easter Eggers calmed down when they hit laying age and like being cuddled. I love them.

Buff Orpingtons! OMG -- docile and sweet.

Barred Rocks -- I have two. One is sweet; the other is a tad cagey.

Rhode Island Reds -- I have one bird who comes over to be picked up. The others are fine with handling.

Black Sex-links -- A tad cagey, but they deal with being held.

Golden Sex-links -- Less friendly than the BSLs, but still can be held.

Only my EEs have been laying. The others haven't matured. My guess is that their personalities will improve when they lay. (However, if the BOs improve any more, they'll be totally mushes)
This website might help you choose http://www.ithaca.edu/staff/jhenderson/chooks/chooks.html#b I think that Brahmas are the best they are very friendly and quite good layers... but they are huge!!
. the website ^^ does include some information about Brahmas and so does this one http://www.mypetchicken.com/chicken-breeds/Brahma-B16.aspx
I hope you find a chicken breed you love
The best layer I've had to date was a black star. She also became very tame after a dog attack, and I had to keep her crated in the garage for a month to heal. A good friend of mine got a bsl, and is just in love. She has several different breeds, but loves this one the best.Says she comes out of her pen to play, and loves to be held upside down? Sounds crazy and I've not seen it, but she swears the bird loves it, and of course, lays like an outlaw.
I vote red star. Mine are young so no eggs yet but out of my 5, the two red stars are the most sweetest things every!
My Golden Comets started laying at 16 weeks and are almost up to an egg a day at 18 weeks. They are pretty friendly but sometimes peck at my feet, mostly out of curiosity I think.

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