Which breeds did you wish you got?

i wish i had got a Australorp and a Polish. the Austrelorps were strait run, and i dont know wear to get a Polish, but now my coop is full. :(

If you hatch, there are several great Polish breeders on here you could get eggs from..if not eFowl and Valley hatcheries both have Polish chicks in several varieties ♡♡ Good luck!! I do love my Polish. .
I have: PBRocks, White Chanteclers, Silkies, EEs and some Barnyard mixes.
I have wanted Isbars and now I have some Isbar eggs and Cream Legbar eggs in the incubator set to hatch July 3. Here is hoping for a blue Isbar roo!
I added several chicks this year, but alas, due to a predator attack a few weeks ago, everything I added is dead with the exception of one bird - a Black Sex Link. I've had BSL before, and I enjoy them. They were the most vocal and friendliest of my flock and were egg laying machines. I am currently awaiting an order from McMurray's hatchery of 25 egg laying chick breeds - plus one free exotic. I'm hoping to get some barred rocks and austrolorps with the mix. My one austrolorp that was killed ended up being a rooster. The assortment I got is supposed to contain brown, tinted and white egg layers. We'll see if I'm happy with it or not. If I am, I'll do this again. If not, I'll order from the local feed stores which is what I've been doing up until now.

My older flock has brahmas, cochins, RIR, one EE and two BO's.
I almost forgot my ultimate dream breeding pair.
Ayam Cemani.
I'd let those chickens live in my house I swear.
I follow someone on instagram who got some hatching eggs from a friend, and they had a great hatch of them. I was so jealous.
Chamois Campine, Silver Campine, Golden Spangled Hamburg, and Citron Spangled Hamburg. I have a Golden Campine and a Silver Spangled Hamburg, and they are so stunningly beautiful that I want one of every color variety those breeds come in! It's pretty sad, come to think of it.

Chamois Campine, Silver Campine, Golden Spangled Hamburg, and Citron Spangled Hamburg. I have a Golden Campine and a Silver Spangled Hamburg, and they are so stunningly beautiful that I want one of every color variety those breeds come in! It's pretty sad, come to think of it.

That makes perfect sense to me!
I want Golden Laced Wyandottes and blue laced wyandottes. I don't know if I am going to add them to my flock at work or be my moms starter flock next spring.
wish I had a crested breed. Bought some at the feed store, but they didn't survive the ride home. Just ordered cochins and Brahmas and Turkens. LOVE turkens! Also Love Orpingtons. Have a very diverse flock, BR, Deleware, Blue JG, Orpington, a black something or other, and a SLW roo, and a RIR roo...both of which are very nice, but need a new home.

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