Which breeds did you wish you got?

I just started a few months ago after my husband was the one who originally wanted chickens. I was not happy with the idea. But look at me now, known as the crazy chicken lady lol!
I love my girls
. We have a RIR, bantam Plymouth barred rock, Black Copper Marans and an Ancona. My RIR and PBR are very people friendly, they love to follow us around. My BCM seems to dislike human interaction very much but we won't bother her. Now my Ancona is something else. She is a feisty little one! She walks around strutting her stuff in front of the other girls with her gorgeous floppy comb. She's the bottom of pecking order but she is very flighty so the girls always chase her around but never get to her lol. She lays 5-6 white eggs a week, my star layer!

Also have my 2 month old chicks: an Easter Egger, Barred Rock, Silver laced Wyandotte and a blue laced red Wyandotte. I will be painting their coop blue in hopes they're all girls
. Next week I will be getting Blue Copper Marans and Olive Eggers!

Next spring I will be adding Lavander Americauna, Blue Wheaten Americauna and a Cream Legbar. Really wanting a GLW too
If I had ordered every breed I wanted my first time, they'd have had to deliver them by freight straight to my door because the PO couldn't have handled it!  I got Golden Laced Wyandottes (ended up disliking them so much I re-homed them), Easter Eggers (really like them, will always have some in my flock) Buff Orpingtons (re-homed all but one of them), Speckled Sussex (also rehomed), Cuckoo Marans (like them a lot) and Red Sex Links, another I won't be without in my flock.

I should mention that a lady who lives close by has 4 kids and her husband was a way for an extended time - she was determined to get by on her own and be as self-sufficient as possible.  Chickens for meat and eggs were a big part of that plan.  Stray dogs killed every one of her chickens just before they had started laying...mine were already laying so all of those rehomed went to her, along with a leftover roll of hardware cloth and some assistance in predator proofing her coop and run.

My dream breeds included Light Brahmas, Buff Brahmas, and Cream LegBars.  I didn't get them because I just plain ran out of room to add them, and being new to chickens I wanted to try the other varieties I mentioned because they were recommended as good ones for beginners.  I have finally added the Light and Buff Brahmas this year, and have been presented with a wonderful opportunity, thanks to another BYCer, to get some Cream LegBar eggs, which I'm very excited about.

Do you like the Light Brahmas? They too have been one of my dream breeds..I started with a couple more rare breeds (tolbunt Polish and Paint Silkies)and just placed an order for a few of the Lights..I have a mixed layer flock that consists of some hatchery RIRs and EEs, a banty flock and then my silkies and polish are each in their own.. wondering if the Brahmas would do good in a mixed flock or their own? Do you consider them friendly? I respect your opinions, so if there's anyone out there that I trust to give me the honest opinions on them..it's you..was happy to see you mention them ;)
Why thank you! That was nice to read! So far I do like the Brahmas - both the Lights and the Buffs. As for "friendly", I guess that depends on what you want from them. I don't really want lap or shoulder sitters. I just want to be able to move around them and not have them hightail it to the next county, let me pick them up if I have to, and trust them around the grandkids. So far they fit that outline perfectly. Too early to tell about egg production since they haven't reached POL yet

Right now we are heading for home after our vacation, and my daughter-in-law, who is caring for the chickens, says they are suffering more from the heat than the other chickens seem to be, so that could be a concern for me. We'll see.
Heat may be a concern here..you'd think in WV we'd not reach tropical temps but it's been 90+ and humid as the Bahamas for what seems like all spring..everyone has lots of shade and wading pools but I've noticed my heavier birds still seem more affected.

I'm not much for lap chickens..now lap chicks is a different story but I'm pretty much right where you are..I like to be able to holler for them and they come , even if it's just bc they think they are getting treats. . My Silkies are always under foot, my Polish are starting to be the same way..my layers come for treats and then run off to do their own thing. I have basically just resigned and call it a fact that I if any treatment or anything need done, that I will just have to wait until dark and treat after they've gone to roost, so as long as they don't try to eat me when I step in the flock or like you said, run for the hills, then that's a good personality for me..I originally was drawn to them for their pattern and color..I like unusual so think they will fit in great..I hope so bc I just placed my order for 6 of them..as well as the GL Polish I've been wanting and couldn't find..added a few Cochins for good measure bc ..well..bc I could...lol..and of course 6 breeds just wasn't enough...lol..Dollar store better stock up on some heating pads bc all of mine are already in use..oh, btw..this is CrzyChknLady81. .we talked a while back about the heating pad mamas..
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