Which breeds did you wish you got?

Do you have any pictures of your SLW chicks to post? I have some from McMurray's that I think are SLW, but I'm not sure. They are silver chicks with black laced feathers on their backs ( and down).


Sorry it has taken me so long to post their pics - been working to complete my coop. Finally finished yesterday!
Anyway, while checking on everybody, I got some pics of the SLW.

Hope this helps.
Thanks! They look a big darker than mine do, but they are still young. I have noticed that the feathers growing out are darker than the silver/gray down they have. So, it's possible!
Started out 5 years ago with production reds from the feed store, then added some mixed breed chickens from a neighbor and raised up some Easter eggers from chicks. All I have left that are actually laying are 3 Easter Eggers. But.............. I have a new batch of 50 from McMurray that are almost 17 weeks old that should begin laying in the next month or so and they are Silver Grey Dorkings, Black Jersey Giants, Black Langshans, Welsummers, Dominiques and Buff Orpingtons and 1 Polish (my free exotic)

I still want some Black Copper Marans, some Cream Legbars, some white Rock, Australorps, Faverolles and Buckeyes. Would be really great to try all the different breeds at least once.

Some of them I will probably never try because of the Texas heat. I also stay away from the featherfooted breeds because the back part of our property stays muddy for a while after it rains and certain parts of the year are very wet (especially this year!)

Too many breeds, not enough room or time!!
My silkie I got in early May has finally gone broody! And her sister insists on cramping into the nest box with her! Anyone ever had a rooster sit by the hens side? He doesn't seem to want to leave her.


My silkie got broody and her faithful companion sat next to her too. I think chooks that are best mates tend to stay together no matter what. They need the companionship. How wonderful they are :)
I started with 4 Delawares added 2 Buff Orps Later added a Cream Legbar and a Pita Pinta.

ive added 2 Breeder quality delawares and am in the process of building breeding flocks for them the Cream legbars, Pita Pintas and trying to add Barred hollands.

Welsummer and Arkansas blue egg layers are  the only 2 breeds Im interested in adding.

I love my hatchery buff orps they are  the sweetest things real lap chickens in fact but the Delawares and others really need help  barred hollands and pita pintas are exceptionally rare but worth saving.

If you told me I could have only one breed It would be hard to choose between Delaware and Pita Pinta. they are both such excellent birds.
do you have pics of a pita Pinta never heard of that one.
Started out 5 years ago with production reds from the feed store, then added some mixed breed chickens from a neighbor and raised up some Easter eggers from chicks. All I have left that are actually laying are 3 Easter Eggers. But.............. I have a new batch of 50 from McMurray that are almost 17 weeks old that should begin laying in the next month or so and they are Silver Grey Dorkings, Black Jersey Giants, Black Langshans, Welsummers, Dominiques and Buff Orpingtons and 1 Polish (my free exotic)

I still want some Black Copper Marans, some Cream Legbars, some white Rock, Australorps, Faverolles and Buckeyes. Would be really great to try all the different breeds at least once.

Some of them I will probably never try because of the Texas heat. I also stay away from the featherfooted breeds because the back part of our property stays muddy for a while after it rains and certain parts of the year are very wet (especially this year!)

Too many breeds, not enough room or time!!
@Jackschicks you have three breeds I have been researching and wanting to try (I want heritage breeds, and I have 2 Wellies that are 11 weeks old) - the Silver Gray Dorkings, the Langshans and the Dominiques. My DH only wants to eat brown eggs, so if I could only have one heritage breed it may end up being the Dominique. Would love to here your experience with these three breeds so far though!
Why only brown eggs?
He has it in his head they taste better. One day I will do a blind taste test with him to convince him otherwise. I want a colorful egg basket, but I also am considering raising a heritage breed for meat and eggs (just have to work up to the meat part and eating our birds - don't like the commercial food supply and pastured poultry is over $20 a bird). We have just started this spring and have 3 laying pullets (Swedish Flower Hens, Cream Legbar) and 3 Black Copper Marans ready to lay in a few weeks and 11 week old Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas and Welsummers. I value breeds that have stood the test of time and that is why I am interested in heritage breeds.

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