Which Ducks Make The Best BAckyard Pets?

Which ever ones you hold and baby and give treats to from day 1. My quiet, laid back Saxony is the one who's most afraid of me. My 50% wild Mallard/Pekin cross girl that was the first to hatch out is the tamest, she'll eat out of my hand and talk to me. But I carried her around for 3 days while waiting for other eggs to hatch, so she's my buddy.

They also seem to learn from each other, and my Saxony is starting to come around since she's pretty tired of watching the others get goodies. None for her unless she comes in close! She doesn't know how bullheaded I am. Yeah, I see her on the edge talking up a storm while the other two are munching away... but I'm only going to throw something half way to her, she'll have to come closer if she wants it! And she's starting too. Baby steps.

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