Which roosters are best?

What roosters are best?

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Bantam Cochin Collector
Oct 14, 2021
So in a few years I might get some land in the country and be able to have roosters for my flock. I was wondering which rooster is the best, and you might notice in the poll that most of them are "fancy" breeds, because I like fancy chickens. If you have good suggestions for other breeds that are good protectors please tell me. When I move my flock will be big enough for three roosters.
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Although some breeds are known to be easier to handle, a "good" rooster comes from good breeding. It also depends on your personal requirements, to me a "good" rooster is not human aggressive, is easy to handle, doesn't crow constantly, looks after his girls, is not overly enthusiastic when mating, and is physically attractive. I ended up with two Silkie Cocks who fit the bill, I went through over 30 males to get them. Will they stand the test of time? Less certain.
Although some breeds are known to be easier to handle, a "good" rooster comes from good breeding. It also depends on your personal requirements, to me a "good" rooster is not human aggressive, is easy to handle, doesn't crow constantly, looks after his girls, is not overly enthusiastic when mating, and is physically attractive. I ended up with two Silkie Cocks who fit the bill, I went through over 30 males to get them. Will they stand the test of time? Less certain.
Good breeding... got it!
So in a few years I might get some land in the country and be able to have roosters for my flock. I was wondering which rooster is the best, and you might notice in the poll that most of them are "fancy" breeds, because I like fancy chickens. If you have good suggestions for other breeds that are good protectors please tell me. when i move my flock will be big enough for three roosters.
I'm not picky.

Sumatras are a hit, or a miss when it comes to Man Fighters/Human Aggressiveness. First cockerel I had was friendly, but a bit shy. The other rooster I have wants to kick my butt all the time.
I've had several roosters. Our Rhode Island Red rooster was the most aggressive. When he chased the 6 year old granddaughter across the back yard, he had to go. I now have an Amberlink, Cosmo. He is friendly, takes good care of the girls and has never been aggressive in the 3 years I've had him.
I currently have a Silkie roo right now and he is absolutely outstanding in every possible way. He takes good care of his girls, he keeps an eye on the sky for them while they are free ranging and if he finds something he wants the girls to have like a worm he will pick it up and show it to them. He's a really good rooster and you can't go wrong with silkie roosters if you want some that are unique!
I'm not picky.

Sumatras are a hit, or a miss when it comes to Man Fighters/Human Aggressiveness. First cockerel I had was friendly, but a bit shy. The other rooster I have wants to kick my butt all the time.
I gotta agree hit or miss. Had one for like 7 years, was culled because he started grabbing hands. My current one likes to give warning pecks if youre feeding or watering him, espeically if you wear black gloves.

D'uccles are a hit or miss too. I had two mille fleur males years ago that were freaking horrible. Had to go to the show table in leather gloves with this bird who had latched onto the thumb once. My Gold necks were much calmer so far, waiting for that year mark though which is when the fleurs seemed to suddenly turn

@roosterhavoc would know more about the games, maybe the Malay too

Silkies are usually tolerant. I have one named David, who is dumb as a rock though and puts up with being chased all over by a different male.

Pheonix..... I love my 3 pheonix males. No human agressive ones so far, great alarmers when hawks are around, just stunning birds. They need roosts though or they'll be miserable.

I had an ayam cemani cockerel a few years ago. Skittish AF. And delicate. He constantly needed more vitimin E and ended up clothelining himself one night.

Polish are okay. I have one now named LoudBoy for obvious reasons. He's still tolerant of other males and people so far, have yet to see him try to breed though and hes from last April.

EEs and FEEs are the same, just with dark skin on one variety. I don't technically have those, but my Ameraucana mixes all are tolerant males and good laying females.

Sultans are very temperature sensitive, I've heard

Cochins..... they're a hit or a miss. Had 6 males go through puberty here this year for bantams (no clue about standards). 1 was an AH before i even knew it was a he. 2 were okay towards people but awful towards the other birds, male and female alike. 1 had a tough start but got better. 2 are pretty chill though they do issue warning pecks when being pet so you know they're still in charge.

My orpington males are skittish AF, but large, beautiful birds.

Don't know about seramas or anyone else i skipped over

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