White Leghorn, the forgotten breed

My first set of photos were not so good....

Here is a better one:

Brown Leghorn females should have a rosey brown chest, free of black patterning/stippling. Penciling through the chest would indicate improper pattern genes or that it's a different breed, all together.

Depends on if it is light brown or dark brown....

And no, neither breed wants pencilling, the dark brown needs even stippling throughout body feathers.

I don't gave any light brown, so do not pay much attention to them, but their breast feathers are supposed to be salmon colored.....
I can't tell from those photos as to what I am looking at...... So here are some excellent chicken feather photos so that you can figure it out.

If you are in the US, if that Leghorn has actual pencilling on her feathers, then she isn't a Leghorn.

Stippling can go a bit crazy at times, and look a bit pencil like... But it will still be clearly different from true pencilling when you are looking at it in real life.

If you got her from Europe... Then whatever! :lau they have some most excellent wild Leghorn colors over there. All bets are off.

However... In the US.... If there is pencilling, then not a Leghorn.

Ok... Here we go... Close up of chicken feathers.

Great info on this page about partridge Leghorns verses brown Leghorns. (Never seen a partridge Leghirn in the US, must be a Brit page, but good for the comparison)


And a photo from their site. Note the stippling on the brown leghorn feathers.


From this site : http://chickscope.beckman.uiuc.edu/resources/standard_varieties/leghorns.html

Another good photo

Thanks for the pictures. I guess I'll have to wait until I get my first eggs from them. They were sold to me as just Brown Leghorns. I thought they would be Light Brown Leghorns but then after I bought my chicks I saw some Light Brown Leghorn chicks and my chicks didn't look like them. I saw some pictures of Dark Brown Leghorn chicks and they looked more like my chicks. My chicks do not have salmon color on their breasts. Their breasts are darker. The pictures I posted don't capture the color exactly as they are. The pictures make the chicks look a bit redder than they really are. I appreciate the opinions. Again, I guess it will be a wait and see. Their color is more similar to Black Sex-Links but their neck feathers are a bit darker.
Hello Leghorn people, need HELP.

I have a white female maybe 4 yrs old. She keeps attacking my 4 yr old Barred Rocker mama. They fight like rooster cocks. She was a brooding mama, I added 4 babies they are 10 weeks old and I am trying to reintroduce the mama and babies to flock of 1 Leghorn and 1 Aricana and the Leghorn keeps attacking the mama. It scares me. Are they going to kill each other? I have never seen my chickens fight like this in 25 yrs of owning chickens. They live in a 20' x 40' open area and have a sleeping hut. I am scared. Any suggestions are grateful. I don't know if I should lock the Leghorn up for a few days to calm her down or that will piss her off. She is hyper and crazy naturally. Please Help. Thank you
Hello Leghorn people, need HELP.

I have a white female maybe 4 yrs old. She keeps attacking my 4 yr old Barred Rocker mama. They fight like rooster cocks. She was a brooding mama, I added 4 babies they are 10 weeks old and I am trying to reintroduce the mama and babies to flock of 1 Leghorn and 1 Aricana and the Leghorn keeps attacking the mama. It scares me. Are they going to kill each other? I have never seen my chickens fight like this in 25 yrs of owning chickens. They live in a 20' x 40' open area and have a sleeping hut. I am scared. Any suggestions are grateful. I don't know if I should lock the Leghorn up for a few days to calm her down or that will piss her off. She is hyper and crazy naturally. Please Help. Thank you
Did you keep the broody isolated while brooding?
No. She was in the group egg box. She was hoarding all the eggs. No Roosters so I had to get 4 babies and trick her, which worked. But the babies have been in a cage inside the hut since day 1. Thank you for replying. So anxious. Leghorn is my best layer but can't watch hens fight to hurt each other.
I can't tell from those photos as to what I am looking at...... So here are some excellent chicken feather photos so that you can figure it out.

If you are in the US, if that Leghorn has actual pencilling on her feathers, then she isn't a Leghorn.

Stippling can go a bit crazy at times, and look a bit pencil like... But it will still be clearly different from true pencilling when you are looking at it in real life.

If you got her from Europe... Then whatever!
they have some most excellent wild Leghorn colors over there. All bets are off.

However... In the US.... If there is pencilling, then not a Leghorn.

Ok... Here we go... Close up of chicken feathers.

Great info on this page about partridge Leghorns verses brown Leghorns. (Never seen a partridge Leghirn in the US, must be a Brit page, but good for the comparison)


And a photo from their site. Note the stippling on the brown leghorn feathers.

From this site : http://chickscope.beckman.uiuc.edu/resources/standard_varieties/leghorns.html

Another good photo

The feathers from these photos look correct but just waiting for them to start laying. They are my youngest so won't know for awhile yet. My White pullets recently started to lay. The Browns are a couple of months younger.

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