White pullets...brown eggs?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 1, 2012
ok. I know white chickens are supposed to lay white eggs... these are white pullets, no other color except for their combs & wattles - their 'ears' are white...there is no indication that they will lay brown eggs,
I think they are !!!

We have seen each of our 3 white pullets in the nesting boxes many times. They do the egg song, clucking away, they do the 'egg squat', all signs that they want to lay, but we've never seen them exit & leave an egg

We have never seen our Barred Rock pullets in the nesting boxes - ever. They do not squat and I am pretty sure they aren't old enough to lay yet

when we count the eggs - all of them brown - someone, either a white pullet or a barred rock has to be laying

so, is it at all possible that a white layer could maybe laying a brown egg ????
Well, my question has been answered !! I actually watched 2 of my hens lay today !!! IT WAS AWESOME !!! Our little RIR and one of the white pullets...

I typed out a whole response and lost it. Anyway, no, ear color doesn't determine egg color. Penedesencas are a perfect example of a white-eared chicken that lays brown eggs. The genetic background of the chicken determines egg color and it just happens that most of the brown-layer breeds have red ears and most of the white-layer breeds have white ears. So, if you have white Leghorns, they will lay white eggs. If they're mixed-breed chickens that just happen to be white with white ears, all bets are off. My white-eared chickens lay blue-green eggs...

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